Baby in the road! The Jersey driver saves the boy from the close call


Pilot Cory Cannon spotted something extraordinary in the middle of a busy New Jersey road over the weekend. He was stunned when it turned out he was a baby crawling along the line as cars passed at 40 mph.

Cannon told the Asbury Park press that he thought it was a toy or something like that until the baby moved. "Then my heart stopped and I had to do something."

He stopped his truck, blocked traffic and went out to protect the baby from cars. A neighbor picked up the baby on the road, but he was unsure of the child's family.

Cannon, who himself has a four-month-old daughter, noticed a wide open door nearby and hit. The adult at home was surprised that the 10-month-old boy was outside. "Oh, I'm sorry," he said, Cannon recalled in an interview with CBS2-TV.

Cannon said he thought, "You do not have to apologize; you should "apologize" to your baby.

He took a picture of the baby when he got off his truck. "All I wanted was that I did not want it to happen again," he told CBS. "That's why I took the pictures." He also called the police and gave them the address.

The authorities told WABC7-TV that the baby may have taken off by a door left open by an older brother or sister. The officials launched an investigation.

A woman at the gate told the Asbury Park press that it was simply an "accident" that the baby was on the road.

Cannon's wife, Zenobia Cannon, said her husband saved the baby because "it was a good thing to do".

"I do not really consider myself a hero," Cannon said. "I just feel like I've done the right thing at the right time."

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