Bachelor in Paradise: Jenna Cooper Ex slams Jordan Kimball


Jenna Cooper fights her ex Jordan Kimball on charges that she secretly would be dating another man throughout their relationship, reported for the first time via so-called screen-copies of text exchanges published by blogger Reality Steve last month.

In a statement obtained by PEOPLE on Monday, a representative of the Bachelor in Paradise The star says the lyrics were fake – and claims that Kimball is the one who changed after the cameras stopped spinning in the air.

"A full medico-legal examination of Jenna's devices by an independent third-party expert has definitely confirmed that none of the SMSs in question came from Jenna's phone," said her representative Steve Honig in her release. "Based on the conclusive findings of the forensic report, Jenna's team is reviewing all the options available to her regarding the fraudulent texts."

"After the cameras have stopped turning, Jordan's behavior towards Jenna has changed dramatically," the statement said. "He let it be known that there was room for only one celebrity in the relationship. He was more successful and was more famous than she, she would never earn as much money as he and would represent nothing in life. It has been demeaned and rendered insignificant and worthless. He continues to denigrate her to this day. As painful as it was for Jenna, she is happy that he showed his true colors before their marriage and began to build a life together.

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In a copy of the referenced forensic exam examined by PEOPLE, the security firm Protus3 conducted a forensic analysis of Cooper's electronic devices and email accounts, concluding that it had "not located no text messages in the form posted on ".

Kimball denied Cooper's allegations, saying to PEOPLE in a statement: "Anyone who knows me … knows that I always say I'm not a celebrity. I do not belittle anyone. I cried when she left a few hours before me from Mexico. "

In his initial report – which was released while their romantic engagement at the seaside was broadcast in the series finale – Reality Steve said he had been contacted by a person who claimed to be dating Cooper during and after his presence in the series.

In the alleged screenshots, Cooper reportedly told the man: "Jordan and I are not together in reality. I do not even like it, let alone love it. I'm better than him and once I can, I'll break him for good and tell him a story to make him look bad if you feel better. It means nothing to me and has never done it. "

Kimball subsequently ended the engagement, but Cooper strongly denied the case and insisted that the lyrics were "completely made".

Kimball then alleged that Cooper's lawyer had accused him of creating the "fabricated texts" as evidence of the case.

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Kimball had previously told PEOPLE that he was convinced that the allegations against Cooper were true.

"I know my Jenna, and I've read these texts and in my heart, I know it's her," he said. "She said she did not do it, but she hinted that it could happen. In fact, I do not expect it to own it. "

"It looked like a drop of body," he continued. "I got off. I am weak at the knees and have the impression of having pebbles in the belly. "

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