Bachelor in Paradise Kimball sets the record for Jenna Cooper Allegations of cheating


Jordan Kimball is not one to chew words.

Last night, the model and her fiancee (we will come back) Jenna Cooper looked like two perfect lovebirds at the Bachelor in Paradise final and meeting show. However, it did not last long.

On Monday, Reality Steve tweeted that there was "evidence" on one of the competitors – we now know that it is Cooper – and that it would be "exposed".

In his blog post, Reality Steve shared three screenshots of Cooper with a mysterious man who claims to have been with her all this time. The blogger said that he had "checked" the texts, confirming that they came from Cooper's phone number. In this document, Cooper reveals to this alleged boyfriend: "Jordan and I are not even together for real.I do not even like that he liked it even less."

She added that she participated in the show because it is "everything for my business".

Reality Steve announced the text news and Kimball spoke Wednesday of the blogger's podcast to explain everything. For starters, the model firmly believes that her ex wrote these texts, despite the fact that she denied the claims.

Kimball told Steve, "It is extremely difficult to speak, but when I read these texts, I can hear his voice say it."

He continued: "The structure of the word and the facts that this gentleman has on her … it's scary.That gives me chills."

In the last 24 hours since the creation of the final and the show of the meeting, Kimball shared his thoughts on an Instagram article where he spoke about his sorrow. "When you're in love with the experience you've had with them, it's something to respect. Be careless with someone to whom you bestow your heart and achieve important goals." is not reasonable whatever the terms "wrote.

When Kimball and Cooper talked about the lyrics, he said he was not reassured. "I felt even sicker," he said.

Regarding his response to the scandal, Kimball knew something was wrong. "It looks like I've been played," he admitted to Reality Steve. "Once you've been played, the last thing you want to do is get fooled."

Kimball told Steve Reality that he went to paradise not thinking that he would come out of it a committed man. "You go there to have fun," he said.

Meeting Cooper changed this perspective for him.

During season 5 of Bachelor in Paradise and his mandate on Becca Kufrinseason of The bacheloretteKimball was synonymous with liners and quips. He does not feel like that now, though. "I'm not my normal self," he said. "It will take time to recover."

Although Kimball has officially "withdrawn" from his engagement with Cooper, he does not wish him any ill will. "You will not see me disrespect him," he explained.

Cooper also took on Instagram today to deny the allegations, saying the texts were "completely made".

Bachelor Nation, however, quickly took sides in this breakup. Kimball's teammates this season Paradise, comprising Kevin Wendt and Colton Underwood, expressed their support on Instagram. Previous competitors have also done the same thing.

In his Instagram download, Kimball explained that he "would take the time to pursue my inner peace," which he reiterated to Steve Reality. He justified his candid reaction on this subject: "Everyone must understand that I must protect myself in this."

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