Back to the moon for NASA


NASA has announced its return to the moon with the ultimate goal of flying on Mars.
A new video, voiced by actor Mike Rowe, describes the bold plans of the space agency to establish a permanent base on the Moon.
"We have made giant strides and left our mark in heaven.
& # 39; We are now building the next chapter, return to the Moon and prepare to go beyond. We are NASA – and after 60 years, we are just getting started. & # 39;
NASA has sent six manned missions to the moon, starting with the legendary invasions of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin in 1969 for Gene Cernan and Jack Schmitt in 1972.
Today, US President Donald Trump is launching a new momentum for an affordable space exploration program.
A few weeks ago, NASA sent Congress its plan for a national space exploration campaign.
He called for "human and robotic exploration missions to expand the boundaries of human experience and scientific discovery".
Starting in the 1970s, NASA focused on the International Space Station and was away from lunar exploration.
But in recent years, there has been a renewed interest in returning to the Moon – our nearest neighbor. This was largely motivated by the fact that a lunar base would be a valuable stopover on the trip to Mars.
NASA aims to install a lander on the Moon and Mars in 2020 – before the human missions of the next decade.

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