Bad hand-washing are spreading dangerous bacteria, USDA warns



Americans are putting themselves at risk of contracting a foodborne illness by

Participants in a recent study at 97 percent of the time of the time, the United States Department of Agriculture found, by their washing for hands full of a clean towel.

Nearly half of those who do not wash their hands meat later contaminated salt and pepper shakers with bacteria from the meat. Cooking the kitchen with a refrigerator handle, the sink faucet handle, their cellphone and lettuce used to prepare a salad.

hands with soap, scrub hands for at least 20 seconds, hands with clean water and dry hands with a clean towel.

"As a mother of three young children, I am very familiar with the family. dinner on the table, "Carmen Rottenberg, the USDA 's Acting Deputy Secretary for Food Safety, said in a news release. "You can not see, smell or feel bacteria."

The broader study was linked to food preparation clothes like thermometer usage. The USDA observed research participants in a kitchen test, which was observed as a food thermometer in the kitchen. Of those who watched the video, just over half used the thermometer correctly, and only 23 percent of those who did not watch the video managed to properly measure the internal temperature

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