Baker Mayfield has a difficult road unless things change around him: Mary Kay Cabot


PITTSBURGH, Pa. – After losing 33-18 to the Steelers on Sunday, Browns quarterback Baker Mayfield has lost three straight games and has a long and difficult road ahead of him unless the situation changes.

On Monday, we might have a better idea if an NFL Network report that Todd Haley could be fired was relevant. If this is the case, Mayfield will call Hue Jackson to the parts and launch a refurbished program.

Jackson could not go back to the offense that he had run before here and in Cincinnati, as players would have to learn a whole new language. But it could conceive of an offense incorporating more Mayfield air raid concepts in Oklahoma, which would help tremendously. Even if Haley stays, the Browns should do more to help Mayfield feel comfortable.

With the arrival in town on Sunday of the 7-1 leaders and other air combat planes Patrick Mahomes, it will not be easier for Mayfield.

He does not have enough weapons around him and it will be extremely difficult to move forward against the blatant mistakes of teams such as the Chiefs and Texans, which the Browns play in December.

Jackson rejects report that Haley could be fired soon

In the absence of good receivers around him, Mayfield sometimes retains the ball too long and is too often hit. He was fired only twice by the Steelers, but was hit seven times. After one of those big hits, a 13-yard sack by Stephon Tuitt, Mayfield came in limping.

The tough player that he is, he returned to the next player and finished the game.

"One thing I know about Baker, he's fighting," Jackson said. He quarreled, he was hard, he took a lot of shots there, he kept getting up, he kept coming back, so when you look at him, the score is not what you want, no more than the numbers.But, I think Baker did some good things.I just think that he has to keep working. "

Then he was asked how he felt out of this game.

"The body has seen better days," said Mayfield. "It's the nature of playing this team.They are physical.

The last half of the season should consist of developing Mayfield (22 of 36, 180 yards, 2 TD, 1 INT, 80.8) and giving him every chance to succeed. This means not only modifying the scheme to give it parts with which it feels comfortable, but also providing it with more receivers it trusts.

When asked Sunday about the report that Haley might be on the hot seat for the slow offense, Mayfield said he was trying to do his best with what he had to work in the field.

"I try not to pay attention to these things," he said. "I am invested in the game plan, in that of trying to learn and progress with these receivers." I try to get the confidence. "

This will help Mayfield tremendously when the trusted target, Rashard Higgins, returns from his crushed MCL. Higgins missed the last three games and Mayfield lost all three. Higgins is not a Pro Bowler three times, but for Mayfield, he is an MVP. They have developed a special chemistry throughout the training camp and Mayfield hopes he will be in the right place and catch the ball.

The Browns should also sign the Terrelle Pryor autonomous agent receiver and try to negotiate other receivers available before Tuesday's deadline.

In the second quarter, while the Browns were only 7-6, Mayfield sent the ball to Damion Ratley. Joe Haden took the ball in the 13th minute of the match. but he was inactive for three of the first five games because he was not ready.

In the fourth round, Antonio Callaway is still learning the professional game and has his share of growth problems. Mayfield and Jarvis Landry scored eight times on 12 targets, but for just 39 yards. Teams can still cover Landry too much and keep him from playing big.

Under pressure and blitz much of the afternoon, Mayfield also participated in some of his throws to Landry. He sent a 1-meter touchdown pass to Callaway, but the restart began at the Steelers' 24 hours after Pittsburgh's Ryan Switzer allowed the free kick to pass after a safe pass allowing him to be picked up by the Browns. .

In the first half, the Browns scored two goals instead of scoring touchdowns. Part of the problem is that Mayfield did not receive any representative of the first team's offensive at the camp because the Browns thought Tyrod Taylor would still hold the fort.

Mayfield, who has been sacked 20 times in five and a half games, also lacks protection, and the Browns need to find ways to keep him straight, both by maneuver and by staff. If they have to trade against a tackle, so be it.

The second half of the season must be devoted to protecting, developing and consolidating the future of the franchise, regardless of the conditions.

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