Bali Airport Closes While Agung Volcano Spews Ashes, Smoke


(CNN) – The popular tourist island of Bali closed its international airport after the Mount Agung volcano began emitting ash and volcanic vapors more than two kilometers (6,500 feet) ) in the air.

The Ngurah Rai International Airport in Denpasar announced that it would be closed until 19:00. On Friday, at that time, the officials would look into the situation.

Volcanic activity began on Thursday, prompting several airlines to delay or cancel their flights to Bali before Friday's airport closure.

More than 300 flights have been canceled, according to airport authorities, affecting the travel plans of thousands of people.

In a statement, Australian airline Qantas acknowledged the inconvenience to passengers but said safety was its priority.

"The Denpasar Airport is currently closed and we are following the advice of the Volcanic Ash Advisory Center and our team of pilots and meteorologists will make an assessment when flights can be resumed," the statement said. "While these disturbances are frustrating, we always put safety first."

The world's most active volcanic region

Indonesia is the world's most active volcanic region. where tectonic plates collide, causing frequent volcanic and seismic activity.

The flights were canceled for 24 hours and failed 59,000 domestic and international passengers. In the midst of chaos, Bali tourism has plummeted.

Volcanic activity only subsided in February 2018, and the Bali Tourism Board announced that the volcanic alert had been downgraded to a level III . However, there is still a 4-kilometer forbidden zone around Mt. Agung Peak

The Volcan Observatory's Notice continues to place the level of activity at Mount Agung in Orange, or Level III, signaling intense activity but no eruption.

The officials predict that the ash cloud would move to the west and southwest of the island, and said that there could be an increase in earthquakes.

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