Bank robbers empty bank of the oldest living veteran of the United States


Richard Overton's family, 112, says he does not know how a thief got Overton's social security and personal account numbers

They discovered the problem Thursday when one veteran cousins ​​of the Second World War made a deposit in his account.

"I watched it – what the hell are these flows?" Overton's cousin, Volma Overton Jr., told CNN's affiliate KXAN

several purchases of savings bonds with Treasury Direct in recent months and on Thursday there was nothing left in the account.

"It's a shock, it hurts, it hurts terribly," said Overton Jr.

While the family does not know who was able to steal the money from Overton, his cousin said "it would be terrible to know that someone who was so close to him used it like that."

the amount of money that was taken but said that it was a "considerable amount."

Overton, who now lives in Austin, Texas, volunteered for serving in 1942. He became a member of the 188th Engineering Battalion In 2013, he was honored by President Barack Obama at a Veterans Day ceremony at the National Arlington Ceremony.

He is the oldest man in America, according to the Gerontological Research Group.
In 2016, his family launched a GoFundMe page to raise money to help pay for home care 24 hours a day from Overton.Since, people have donated more than $ 330,000.

His family said that the money from the online fundraising page is intact in a bank account

Police Investigating the Incident.

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