A successful banker pays tuition fees for a whole high school class in Luck, Wisconsin and this is not his first time.

LUCK, Wis. – Few people would question the generosity of a man who had promised to take the cost of a two-year degree for a whole high school class.

There should be no doubt now, after the businessman Dennis Frandsen again offered the same offer to all students in the 2019 class in Luck, Wisconsin.

Luck Public Schools has confirmed that Frandsen – a self-taught success that now has 35 Frandsen Bank and Trust affiliates in the Minnesota and Wisconsin communities – offered to pay two years of technical college for all 34 Luck graduates.

Frandsen first made headlines by offering the two – year scholarship to the Rush City High School 's graduating class in Minnesota, which had 59 members last year.

Lucky Public School Superintendent Cory Hinkel spoke to students about Frandsen's generous gesture at an assembly on Tuesday the first day of school. "The children's eyes were priceless," said Hinkel. "I really think it will have a huge impact on the lives of many of our children."

A planning meeting to explain to parents how the program will work will take place in October.

In addition, Frandsen told KARE-TV that he planned to offer the same scholarship to Rush City High School's 2019 class.

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Frandsen created "The Frandsen Family Foundation" to pay school fees for children in small towns.

"I thought it was the right thing to do," Frandsen told KARE-TV when he made his first scholarship bid to Rush City. "I have been able to do it, and why not me?"

Frandsen was born in Luck and spent a year in high school in the city before being transferred to Frederic because the bus lines were better, he told KARE-TV. He maintains his roots in the community after buying the farm his father once owned and opening a bank branch in Luck.

The businessman said he attended the baccalaureate regularly and noted that almost all scholarships went to the best students in each class. So, Frandsen decided that it would be his mission to spread wealth – and opportunity – a little bit.

"And the average students?" he hypothetically asked, noting that he was at best a high school student. "Are we just going to forget them?"

The director of Luck School, Hinkel, said that he thought the gesture was much more important than what Frandsen's modesty would allow him to admit. In a small community where not all families and students can afford to pursue higher education, the promise of two years of education is enormous, he added.

"It just opens doors for those whose doors may have been closed a little harder," said Hinkel.

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