Banksy says that his torn joke is missed: "In rehearsals, it worked every time"


LONDON – As the $ 1.4 million work began to pass through a shredder hidden in its frame, gasps were heard in the auction room. At about halfway through, the shredding suddenly stopped and the top of "Girl With Balloon" seemed to have been saved.

But this reprieve, according to Banksy, the street artist who created the work – and who organized the farce to destroy it – was not planned. In a clip posted on YouTube on Wednesday, Banksy hinted that he had wanted the painting to be completely destroyed at the auction in London on October 5, but that the plan had been foiled when the shredder s & rsquo; Was stuck unexpectedly.

In the clip titled "Shred The Love", a man builds the frame, his face hidden by a hoodie. "In rehearsal, it worked every time," says a legend. The video then shows a copy of "Girl With Balloon" completely shredded when she left the frame.

The copy in the clip seems to have been printed on paper, while the auctioned "Balloon Girl" was printed on canvas, a stronger material, which may explain why the shredder failed. Joanna Brooks, director of JBPR, answering media questions on behalf of Banksy, did not answer phone calls or an e-mail asking if the rehearsals had taken place on paper.

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