Barack Obama deals with hecklers in the most respectful and non-trumpian way


President Donald Trump could learn something from former President Barack Obama on how to handle the rowdy.

Trump sadly encouraged his followers to "knock out" anyone protesting against rallies. Obama showed how it should be done on Friday, however, when he was heckled while he was tempting Democratic candidates Bill Nelson and Andrew Gillum in Miami, Florida, before Tuesday's mid-session.

"Sir, sir, do not curse in front of the children, go in. Do not do that in front of them, come on," Obama calmly said to a rowdy.

"We're fine, we're fine, we're fine," Obama continued, after the unidentified person was reportedly removed by security and the crowd stopped chanting the name of the ex-POTUS.

"You know what? It's what I'm looking forward to, it's having some rowdy to put me back in the mood. You know, it's like, I like that, you must always have some to know that you are in the election campaign, "he said.

Obama used similar tactics to thwart a rowdy second, who interrupted his comments on health care.

"Wait a second Mr. Sir Here is the contract, if you support the other candidates, then you should go and support the other candidates Do not be here," said Obama, before telling the rowdy not to "scream here. "

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