Former President Barack Obama visited his ancestral village in Kenya to open a sports and training center founded by his half-sister, Auma Obama. In a speech, he congratulated Kenya's president and opposition leader for working together. (July 16)

Barack Obama joins his wife to live his best life these days . The former president was spotted in Kenya on Monday, dropping as hot as traditional Kenyan music. As a husband, as a woman: Michelle's scrambled at a Beyoncé and Jay-Z concert in Paris on Sunday.

Obama can be seen in videos of the release in a casual gray sports coat, all smiles and with a lightness to his not as he shows his best dance moves.

Obama was in Kenya for a two-day trip to help open the youth center that his half-sister Auma Obama launched through his Sauti Kuu Foundation. The center will help local youth through a combination of education and sport. This is the first time since his departure in January 2017 that Obama has returned to his father's ancestral home.

In a speech delivered at the opening of the center, Obama described coming to Kenya for the first time when he was 27 years old and visiting his father's grave: "He gave me a sense of satisfaction that no five-star hotel could ever because it connected you to your past, and it connected you to the stories of those who came before you. "

Sarah Obama, Obama's grandmother, clearly inspired, did not fail to show her grandson that she knew how to boogie, too. Standing up from his wheelchair, the 96-year-old man waved to the crowd and rocked to music with Obama's help.

Obama also met with Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, who took him welcomed back to the country via Twitter: "It was a great pleasure to welcome you @BarackObama"

Kenya was not the only Obama stop on the African tour of Obama. He then visited South Africa where he delivered his first speech since his departure at the Nelson Mandela Annual Conference 2018.

Obama's speech was that of hope: "He is tempting to give in to cynicism, to believe that the recent changes in world politics are too powerful to roll back the game. That the pendulum has rocked permanently. of democracy in the 90s, now you hear people talking about the end of democracy and the triumph of tribalism and the strong man, we must resist this cynicism, because we have gone through dark times. "

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