Barack Obama was expelled from Disneyland for smoking


Barack Obama

Kevin Sullivan / Digital First Media / Orange County Sign Up via Getty Images

Former president Barack Obama On Saturday at a rally in Orange County, California, he recalled the time he was expelled from Disneyland for smoking during a trip.

The 44th commander-in-chief said that he had gone to Disneyland twice. The first time, it was at the age of 11 years old. Having grown up in Hawaii, the holidays were the "first big trip to the continent" of the former president. Obama made the trip with his grandmother, his mother and his little sister. While the family stopped in several states during their visit, Obama regarded Disneyland as the "highlight" of the trip.

"I went and did everything you know, the necessary thing and, you know, the little world [ride] and the Matterhorn, "he recalled, according to a video captured by CBS News." I mean, it was the bomb. "

The second time was when he was in college and it was a little more hectic. Obama took a break from his studies at Occidental College to attend a Kool & the Gang concert at the amusement park. After the show, Obama and his friends went on the gondolas, but it was not to go around.

"I'm ashamed to say it – so close the ears of young people." he said. "But some of us smoked on the gondolas.

After the confessions provoked an audible reaction from the public, Obama said, "No, no, they were cigarettes, people." He also said that it was a "terrible thing".

However, a few park officers spotted Obama and his friends and escorted them out of Disneyland.

"It's a true story, everyone," he said. "I was chased out of the Magic Kingdom."

Yet, the former president has not been banned forever. In fact, the police told him that he and his friends could come back at any time.

"I thought," Well, that was nice of them, "he said.

In fact, the CEO of Disney Bob Iger reinforced this notion by tweeting "he can always come back, as long as he does not smoke!"

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