Barbra Streisand said she still felt "a little numb" after Donald Trump's victory over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. The famous singer and actress target Trump in her new politicized album "Walls", which is expected to appear next week. (October 26)

Barbra Streisand is planning to head north if Tuesday's midterm elections favor the Republican party.

Democrat Streisand, 76, told the New York Times that she was eagerly hoping her party would take control of the House of Representatives. If the Republicans keep the House, she thinks of radical action.

"I thought about it, do I want to go to Canada? I do not know," said Streisand, to President Trump's attention. "I am so saddened by what is happening in our country, it makes me fat, I hear what he said now, and I have to go eat pancakes now, and the pancakes are very fat. "

Streisand becomes political in the new album "Walls", due out Friday and contains a mix of "Imagine" by John Lennon. A piece already out, "Do not Lie to Me", is a direct address to the current resident of the Oval Office.

More: Streisand to Trump in a new song: Do not lie to me!

She channeled her anger musically.

"I would stay awake at night with Trump's outrages running through my head, and I had to make another album for Columbia Records, so I thought, why do not you make an album about what I think? 39, became the title of the first song, "said Streisand.

The singer, who could not come up with a positive thing that Trump did during her presidency, said she refuted the president's propensity to spread lies.

"The truth has always worked for me, so seeing the dirty truth every day is very painful for me," Streisand said. "I can only do what I can do, I will probably dissuade a lot of people."

Trump is apparently an admirer of Streisand as well. When editing her last special concert on Netflix, she noticed Trump among the audience sitting next to Barbara Walters.

"But he's never come backstage to see me or meet me," Streisand said. "So I never met him."

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