Batman star Ben Affleck takes breaks between rehabilitation and training


While fans are eagerly awaiting news about the upcoming DC Comics Batman movie, many people pay close attention to Ben Affleck's personal life in the hope of knowing he's returning to Bat Cave.

Affleck is currently in rehab, getting treatment for alcohol abuse after his wife, Jennifer Garner, has arranged an intervention. But the actor took a break to go to the gym, get back into shape that Justice League fans recognize, according to TMZ.

But even if Affleck goes to the gym for another return to Hollywood, his time as Bruce Wayne could be threatened. A recent Wrap report indicates that the insurance liability could be too important for Warner Bros., which would require them to look for a different actor to play the role.

"It is more than likely that the studio will replace it because the insurance costs will go through the roof," said an anonymous source to the Wrap.

It seems that production is about to resume in the coming months on the film, with director and screenwriter Matt Reeves at the end of a screenplay.

"We are working on getting our project [in] The next few weeks, "Reeves told the TCA last month." Right now, my head is totally in the script. At this moment, I will leave here to return to work on the script. "

"I talked about making Batman a definitive black-based report in which he investigates a particular case and takes us to the world of Gotham," said Reeves. "I did a deep dive revisiting all my favorite comics, all of which inform by osmosis. [Christopher] Nolan movies. It's very tempting to find a way to do this as something that for me will definitely be Batman, new and cool. "

Warner Bros. shifted to the project after bringing in Affleck Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. The actor was released from two blockbuster movies with Argo and The city, and would follow in writing, directing, producing, and starring in a Batman movie. He has since left his writing and directing duties, replaced by Reeves.

Justice League The scriptwriter and animation director of DC, Jay Oliva, recently spoke about the version of the Affleck scenario.

"The original Affleck script was the best Batman script I've ever read," Oliva said on Twitter. "Ben had a nerve story and I think the public and the fans would have liked it."

If all goes well, the project can get back on its feet and, more importantly, Affleck can be healthy for its own family.

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