Battle Creek, Michigan Pizza Shop delivers a surprise delivery to a terminally ill man 225 km away in Indianapolis


INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – Steve's Pizza in Battle Creek, Michigan, does not make deliveries – in general. However, special circumstances led to a very special exception this weekend, reports WTTV, affiliated with CBS Indianapolis.

Julie and Rich Morgan lived in Battle Creek more than 20 years ago, never forgetting how much they loved Steve's Pizza. In an article on Facebook, Julie wrote that it was the "standard of reference" to which they compare other pizzas (although no other has this quality).

They planned a weekend getaway to Battle Creek so they could enjoy it again, but Rich became ill and was rushed to the emergency room. A few days later, he was diagnosed with advanced cancer. He went to a hospice in Indianapolis.

It was at this point that Julie's father, David Dalke, secretly contacted Steve's Pizza and met with a manager, 18-year-old Dalton Shaffer. He explained the situation to Shaffer and said that a map of the pizzeria would cheer them up.



Shaffer, who received the call while he was working for the night, had a better idea: he offered to deliver a pizza to the family.

Shaffer traveled 225 km from Battle Creek to Indianapolis and arrived at around 2.30am.

He brought the family a pepperoni and mushroom pizza.

"The family came to hug me and everything else, and it was cool," says Shaffer. "The expression on their faces and everything was really cool."

Julie posted on Facebook this special announcement, claiming that she was "overwhelmed by humiliation" by "the incredible kindness of a stranger" – Shaffer.

Sometimes a slice of pizza is more than what seems to be! Continue reading for the story of an epic pizza delivery and …

Posted by Julie Morgan on Tuesday October 16th, 2018

"Dalton brought our family so much joy – and the world's best pizza – at a really difficult time," she wrote. "Although" thank you "seems barely enough – from the heart, thank you, Steve Dalton's Pizza in Battle Creek, MI for making your pizza epic in the middle of the night!"

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