BBC Podcast host Rachael Bland dies of breast cancer


Just two days after revealing that she had a week to live, BBC podcasts host Rachael Bland died of breast cancer. She was 40 years old.

"Our beautiful and courageous Rachael died peacefully this morning surrounded by her close family" Bland's family wrote from his Twitter account on Wednesday

"We are crushed but she would like me to thank everyone who has been interested in her story or who has sent messages of support. You will never know how much they meant for her, "added the family.

Monday, Bland tweeted: "As the legendary Frank S says, I'm afraid the time has come for my friends. And suddenly. I am told that I only have days. It's very surreal.

"Thank you very much for all the support I have received. Debs and lozz will continue with the #youmebigc podcast. Goodbye my friends.

Rachael Bland

Rachael Bland

Rachael Bland / Twitter

Like his message of farewell, Bland's spirits remained high throughout his illness.

She created the podcast with co-facilitators and cancer colleagues, Deborah James and Lauren Mahon. You, me and the big C: Put the can in cancer, a show that speaks frankly about cancer and how to live with it. She also had a cancer blog called Big C Little Me.

Bland was diagnosed with triple negative primary breast cancer in November 2016.

"I had a sore arm, and then I found a lump. I was stunned when they told me it was a breast cancer, "wrote Bland in an article published on The telegraph last month.

Rachael Bland and his son Freddie

Rachael Bland and his son Freddie

Rachael Bland / Instagram

Bland also admitted in the article that she was afraid to leave her two-year-old son, Freddie, without a mother.

"I'm not afraid of dying. I only fear for those I leave behind. For my dear Freddie … for Steve and our families, "said Bland in reference to her husband reporter at the BBC, she was married in 2013.

"He is a very emotional man, so I know that he will cry a lot. But he is also the most amazing father and will continue to be strong for our son's sake, "added Bland.

Rachael Bland, his son Freddie and her husband Stevie

Rachael Bland, his son Freddie and her husband Stevie

Rachael Bland / Instagram

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In predicting her greatest fear, Bland wrote a book dedicated to her son, she explained in another article that she wrote for The Huffington Post.

The brief, which Bland said was almost finished, includes "personal effects like notebooks – so he could see what my writing was like. Or the scent he helped choose for me earlier this year, so he will remember my scent.

Prior to her diagnosis, Bland was a BBC news presenter for over 15 years.

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