Beautiful images filmed in space show "How a spacecraft leaves our planet"


View of a rocket launch from the space

A rocket launch is always an awesome sight to watch – whether you watch the live broadcast on the internet or that you have the privilege of attending the event from somewhere near the launch site. And, while we've seen our fair share of memorable rocket launches from Earth, a handful of people have the unique opportunity to follow these incredible attempts from space.

A beautiful video filmed from the International Space Station (ISS) shows a spacecraft in orbit, revealing what a rocket launch looks like from the other side of the Karman Line – the commonly accepted boundary between the Earth's atmosphere and space .

The film – a timelapse of the launch of a Soyuz-FG rocket, filmed from the ISS by German astronaut Alexander Gerst of the European Space Agency (ESA) – fills out the missing pieces of history, revealing the invisible aspects of spaceflights that normally escape the eyes of Earth-bound observers.

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