Bedford family mourns loved one lost in Pittsburgh synagogue shooting


A Bedford family is mourning the loss of a family member who was one of the 11 victims of mass shooting in Pittsburgh synagogue Saturday morning.

After having been killed, Bill Rabinowitz and his family learned that his brother, Dr. Jerry Rabinowitz, 66, had been killed at the Tree of Life Synagogue, according to a clergyman who was with the family at the time.

Rev. John Gibbons, senior minister of First Parish in Bedford, said he was at home in Bedford when Bill, his wife Christine Rabinowitz, and his mother Sally Rabinowitz learned what had happened.

"The news of the casualties was not released until early evening and so the family did not know what was happening," he said. "It was just an agonizing day for everyone."

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The Rabinowitz family parishioners at First Parish for many years, Gibbons said. He said he had met Jerry and his wife, Miri, at one of the weddings he officiated for the family.

Gibbons said Jerry was a well-known "beloved family physician" who was especially fond of wearing bowties.

"He was very receptive to HIV patients when other people were apprehensive about HIV patients," Gibbons said.

Gibbons said it was especially shocking to hear that this tragedy had touched a family in his parish.

"There's a tight-knit community that has been supported by Rabinowitz family and we will continue to support the Rabinowitz family," he said. "It was an important reminder that is essential when coping with tragedy and moving beyond."

The family recently left for Pittsburgh, where they will attend funeral services on Tuesday, Gibbons said. They could not immediately be reached.

Sophia Eppolito can be reached at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @SophiaEppolito.

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