Being kindly gives us a really warm glow inside, according to psychologists


A new study in the UK has shown that the feeling of warmth we feel after helping others is real, as brain scans show that the reward center in the brain is activated after an act of kindness.

Conducted by psychologists from the University of Sussex and published in the journal NeuroImage, the new meta-analysis included 36 existing studies involving a total of 1150 participants who underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging exams brain (fMRI).

The researchers analyzed for the first time what happens in the brain when people are kind because of genuine altruism, that is to say when they have nothing to gain; and when they act with strategic kindness, when they hope for something in return.

The results showed that reward areas of the brain are more active, which means they consume more oxygen when people act with strategic kindness.

However, acts of altruism in which there is no hope of personal gain have also activated the reward center. In addition, some areas of the brain were actually more active in acts of altruistic kindness, suggesting that there was something unique to be nice without hope of gaining something in return.

"We know that people can choose to be nice because they like to feel like a" good person, "but also that people can choose to be nice when they think there is something in them, like a favor returned. or reputation improvement, "said lead author Dr. Daniel Campbell-Meiklejohn.

"Some people might say that 'why' we give little importance, as long as we do it. However, what motivates us to be nice is both fascinating and important. If, for example, governments can understand why people can give when there is nothing for them, then they can understand how to encourage people to volunteer, make donations to charities or support donations. 39, others in their community.

"The same issues can also arise when we think of interactions between family, friends, colleagues or strangers on an individual basis," added co-author Jo Cutler. "For example, if after a long day helping a friend move, he gives you a bag, you might feel undervalued and less likely to help you again. A hug and kind words can, however, trigger a warm glow and make you feel appreciated. "

Cutler added, "We found that some brain regions were more active during the altruistic period, compared to strategic generosity. JB

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