Ben Affleck closely watched in the guard agreement with Jennifer Garner


Ben Affleck

Closely watched

Custody Agreement with Jen Garner

06/10/2018 01:00 PDT


Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner have reached a custody agreement, but it is vague for an obvious reason … Ben's problem with alcohol.

As we have already pointed out, it has been a long time since the couple accepted shared custody of their 3 children. The agreement has two elements: legal and physical custody.

Legal custody is simple … they will agree together on decisions that affect children, such as education and various activities.

As for the physical guard, it is there that it becomes difficult. As we reported, the divorce was suspended for a long time because Ben was on and off the bottleand Jennifer did not want to enter into a custody agreement until she was sober and stable.

We are told that the physical custody agreement is vague … it does not describe any specific division of time with children. But, we are told, at least in the beginning, Jen will get the lion's share of the on-call time and when Ben has the kids, he'll have a monitor to make sure he's sober and that the kids are safe.

There is another factor – their children are older now – 12, 9 and 6 – and they may be aware of Ben's problem with alcohol and how it affected their family, and they will also have a voice.

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