Ben Affleck gets the haircut and works before going back to rehab


Ben Affleck focuses on self improvement.

"On Saturday, Ben had a morning haircut at Malibu Wave," a source told PEOPLE. addiction.

"He had another workout with a coach," continued the source, noting that "he has been doing exercise at home every day this week".

"It looks much better and looks healthier," added the insider.

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Another source tells PEOPLE that Affleck "is doing well" and attends daily meetings and training.

"He knows he has to stay focused and listen to those around him," the source added.

RELATED VIDEO: Ben Affleck goes into rehab for the third time while Jennifer Garner leads him to seek treatment

An insider previously revealed to PEOPLE that the actor was making regular trips to his home to train.

"He goes home to his gym to train with his coaches," said the insider. "Since last week, he was taken from the clinic home every day to train for a few hours a day. He is always accompanied by his coach and therapist.

Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck

Desiree Navarro / WireImage

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People have confirmed that Affleck went into rehab for alcohol addiction on August 22nd. "He's looking for treatment. He knew that he needed help and talked about it, "said one source.

At his side was former Jennifer Garner, who came to his home with an addiction therapist. Garner, also 46, drove the actor the same day at a Malibu treatment center.

The days before his return to rehab, an insider told PEOPLE, "Ben had been drinking alone for days. He was in bad shape. He had barely eaten and had not showered. It was not very convincing. He wanted to go and he cooperated.

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