Ben Carson links Kavanaugh's allegation to a centuries-old socialist group


"If you really understand what's going on, then what's going on with Kavanaugh will make perfect sense to you," Carson said at the Washington Value Summit. "There have been people in this country for a very long time, going back to the Fabians, people who wanted to fundamentally change this country."

Carson's mention of "Fabians" probably refers to the Fabian Society, a British socialist group founded in 1884 and now affiliated with the UK Labor Party, according to the company's website. Although Carson linked the allegation against Kavanaugh to members of the Fabian Society or those who favor it – who said "do not like what America represents and what it represents" – the group does not has no section in the United States.
The last chapter of the Fabian Society in the United States was founded in Boston in 1895, according to CNBC, but is no longer active. On its website, the Liberal group claims that members "defend and celebrate fabianism, the belief that long-term radical goals are better advanced through empirical, practical and progressive reform."

Kavanaugh, who was appointed to the Supreme Court by President Donald Trump in July, saw his confirmation process disrupted by an allegation by a California professor that he sexually assaulted her in high school. Kavanaugh has denied this allegation and negotiations are underway for the accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Carson's remarks about Ford echo Trump's statement earlier Friday that his candidate was "attacked by radical left-wing politicians who do not want to know the answers."
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