Ben Roethlisberger happy to silence the talkative Jags


JACKSONVILLE – Ben Roethlisberger has heard Jacksonville Jaguar defenders criticize his game in the off-season and taunt him on the pitch Sunday.

But after a brilliant comeback in the fourth quarter to defeat the terrible first three quarters, Roethlisberger took advantage of a 20-16 win that calmed the Jacksonville whistle.

"They are a very good defense and they like to talk a lot before the game," said Roethlisberger, whose 1-meter touchdown with five seconds to go sealed the game. "But I'm carrying the ball home."

Roethlisberger orchestrated 80- and 68-yard touchdown passes, including an 11-yard touchdown pass to Vance McDonald with a time remaining of 2:38.

But he struggled a lot with turnovers against Jacksonville, who intercepted him three times on Sunday and forced the quarterback to make 10 turnovers in three games dating back to last year.

In August, cornerback Jalen Ramsey – owner of two interceptions on Sunday – called Roethlisberger "honest at best" in an interview with GQ, noting that "it was not all that "because Antonio triggers the fault.

Before the offensive gets hot Sunday, Roethlisberger is nibbled by linebacker Telvin Smith.

"They have a linebacker, No. 50 – we'll just use numbers, we will not have to say names – who wanted to let me know every time I threw them an interception," Roethlisberger said. "He found me and told me how many interceptions I had thrown in. It was a little motivation to come back and win the match."

Roethlisberger racked up 11 yards out of 24 for a total of 66 yards in the first 44 minutes of the game, but finished with 314 yards as the Steelers offense was launched without a hitch.

A 25-yard pass to Brown over the center allowed the Steelers to return to the 2-yard line at the last minute. From there, Roethlisberger pointed the ball to stop the clock. The Jaguars have inflicted a facial mask penalty in the cover of a passing game. Roethlisberger has launched a completion. Finally, 8 seconds from the end, Roethlisberger rolled to his right on a shovel game and stretched for the goal line when his passing options were covered. The nose of the balloon has barely crossed the goal line.

"Legendary game," said goalkeeper Ramon Foster.

Roethlisberger said that he had not had the opportunity to talk to Ramsey after the match, but he had completed five of the six assists in the fourth quarter, while Ramsey was the closest defender.

"It's pretty special," said goalkeeper David DeCastro about playing with Roethlisberger. "I'm lucky to be able to catch him in this part of his career and be able to block for him."

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