Ben Sasse: The end of arms sales to the Saudis "should be on the table"


"We do not sell weapons to earn profits, we sell weapons because we want to join forces with different countries around the world that believe in our values ​​and have a long-term vision of what we do." Sasse, a Republican from Nebraska, told CNN's Jake Tapper about "the state of the Union".

"The Saudis have a lot to explain," he said.

Saudi-made arms sales to the Saudis have become a topic of debate in recent days, as the investigation into Khashoggi's death has put into question US relations with the country.

On Friday, the Saudis acknowledged Khashoggi's death, saying it had happened after a fight that had involved more than a dozen Saudi officials at the country's consulate in Istanbul. President Donald Trump, reacting to the news, said that he would work with Congress to develop a response to Khashoggi's death, but said he did not want the sanctions to affect sales. American weapons to the kingdom.

"I would prefer that there be a form of sanction – we were talking about a lot of people … I would prefer we did not use as compensation (canceling) $ 110 billion of work," the president said. told reporters in Arizona.

Senators warn that Congress could block the sale of arms by the Saudi president

On Sunday, Sasse told Tapper that arms sales "are always a means to an end – they are not the end."

"The end is the American idea, and the end is stability in the world so that problems abroad do not come back to us," he said.

Sasse also said he did not believe Saudi Arabia's explanation of Khashoggi's death.

"I think the cover stories of the Saudis are a mess," he said. "You do not bring a bone saw into an accidental fist fight."

Sasse had previously told CNN that Khashoggi's disappearance would not be "under the rug", and that he felt that an "international investigation" should take place on what happened.
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