Benchers Ereck Flowers for Sunday's game against Texans


Houston – Pat Shurmur has been reluctant to verbally criticize his offensive line through two games of obvious struggles. On Sunday, he made a much stronger statement than words of disappointment could have said.

The Giants are playing Ereck Flowers as a right tackle and replacing him with Chad Wheeler, a sophomore, a source confirmed. NFL Network first reported the change on Sunday morning.

The flowers will be active while the Giants have only three tackles on the line-up.

This initiative marks a new way of thinking for a new regime.

Wheeler will not be the only new starter for the Giants. Veteran John Greco will replace Jon Halapio as a starting point. Halapio broke his leg and ankle last week and underwent an end-of-season surgery.

While the Giants are likely to fall to 0-3, Wheeler's first task of the year will be against JJ Watt, NfL defensive player of the year. Last year, Wheeler played well against Justin Houston of the Chiefs.

Flowers, a former first-round pick, has been a flame for the Giants. After a somewhat promising rookie season during which he was put to the service of the left-wing team, he faced difficulties over the next few years. This year, he went on the attack with Nate Solder's signature to protect the hidden face of Eli Manning. He started his time in the first week with two penalties on the first three snaps of the season.

Shurmur publicly insisted that Flowers had more good games than the bad ones, but he clearly recognized the seriousness of the situation. In the spring, while Flowers was not attending the off – season workouts and there had been attempts to exchange flowers, Shurmur said the Giants were better with Flowers in the US. team.

It took him two games to believe otherwise.

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