Bennett, Eisenkot go head-to-head on IDF policy in Gaza


Education Minister Naftali Bennett met on Sunday with IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot on the reluctance of the military to fire
incendiary balloon and kites.

The security cabinet met on Sunday
to discuss tensions at the Gaza border,
with discussion centered on a response to incendiary kites and balloons, which wreaked havoc in Israel, burning thousands of acres of farmland and woodland. While the Cabinet approved a new policy that the IDF would open fire on cells that threw incendiary balloons and kites, Bennett did not agree with the nature and strength of the response.

When discussing the fact that children are often part of the incendiary cells of the balloon and the kite, Bennett wonders: "Why not fire on someone who throws air weapons into our communities and into "The cells next to them and not directly to them? These are terrorists for all intents and purposes."

  Minister Naftali Bennett (Photo: Alex Kolomoisky)

Minister Naftali Bennett (Photo: Alex Kolomoisky)

The head of the IDF responded, "I do not think shooting teenagers and children – who sometimes throw balloons and kites – are right."

"And if it's an adult identified as an adult?" Bennett asked.

"Are you proposing to drop a bomb from an airplane on incendiary balloons and kites?" Eisenkot asked.

When Bennett responded in the affirmative, the IDF chief said: "I do not agree with you, it's against my operational and moral positions".

Gadi Eisenkot, IDF Chief of Staff (Photo: Shaul Golan) “/>

Gadi Eisenkot, IDF Chief of Staff (Photo: Shaul Golan)

Hamas was very surprised by the intensity of IDF attacks over the weekend and called for a ceasefire. They explained that the Israeli army's policy regarding incendiary balloon launchers is not to shoot to kill them, attacks being conducted near launch sites with the aim of hurting and discouraging.

Bennett also criticized the government's decision to accept the ceasefire with Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza after an intense series of fights on Saturday. "A cease-fire without stopping terrorism is a capitulation," he concluded.

"For three months, we have been witnessing a terrorist attack, with a thousand explosive and incendiary bullets being used against the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip, but in recent days, the southern inhabitants have suffered 200 rockets", lamented Bennett.

"At a time that suits him, Hamas dictates that we now have a ceasefire, so let's be clear: a ceasefire without stopping terrorism is not a deterrence, that is capitulation ".

Bennett said Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked would oppose the government's "all-ceasefire" allowing Hamas to rearm itself and allowing Hamas to continue to launch incendiary balloons against residents of Hamas. South".

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