Bernie Sanders reacts to Amazon slashing stock, incentive bonuses for hourly workers


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) called on Amazon on Thursday to ensure that all of them will receive a boost in compensation after the company drew criticism for slashing stock options and incentive-based pay hiked its minimum wage to $ 15 per hour.

"Our understanding is that the vast majority of Amazon workers are going to $ 15 an hour," Sanders said in a statement to FOX Business. "I would hope that a result of Amazon's new policy, no worker, especially long-term employees, a reduction in total compensation. Amazon can afford to make all of us and should do that. "

Jeff Bezos has raised the minimum wage to $ 15 for some 350,000 hourly employees, including seasonal workers. The company also has a boost of $ 15 per hour.

Aimed at Amazon spokespeople confirmed to FOX Business on Wednesday, the company is in the process of receiving RSUs, as a form of compensation for customer service and warehouse employees, at a time when Amazon shares are approaching $ 2,000. The company is also entitled to monthly incentive-based pay bonuses for production facilities.

The minimum wage increase "more than compensates" employees for the phasing out of stock awards and incentive pay, the company said.

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"We can confirm that all of these operations will increase their total compensation as a result of this announcement," the statement added. "In addition, because it is no longer incentive-based, the compensation will be more immediate and predictable."

Over the last couple of months, Sanders has repeatedly called out to save money for a living wage – a charge the booming brand has long denied. The senator introduced to the Senate bill last month to the end of the year.

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