Best Electric Cars 2019 Appointment: Tesla Model 3


Tesla Model 3
2018 Tesla Model 3 Performance

There were times when we wondered if Model 3 would be considered Best Electric Car 2019 title. As with everything at Tesla, The Model is exclusive, packed with technology, and not on schedule.

It may have been late to the party, but the model is here, and deliveries are rolling. Granted, the first units to arrive are the Performance versions that pack it's about $ 20,000 more than the "affordable" price Tesla has been flaunting around, but Tesla fans do not seem to mind.

That said, no matter which way you look at the Model 3 is not cheap. The RWD base model starts at $ 45,400 (US $ 34,200) with 418 kilometers (260 miles) of range while the AWD Model 3 with 500 kilometers (310 miles) starts at $ 54,700 or $ 41,200 in the U.S.

The Performance version has the same range but gets 100 km / h or 60 mph in less than 4.0 seconds, and even close to 3.0 seconds. As Matt mentioned in his Tesla Model 3 reviewThe Model 3 is pretty much the fastest you can buy for less than $ 150,000, including any Corvette you can think of.

Matt also pointed out the impressive handling capabilities of the Model 3 and the EV's overall stability, pointing it out with the golf course. Throw in a new Track mode with drift capabilities, and the Model 3 certainly has the performance part nailed.

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2018 Tesla Model 3 Performance | Photo: Matt St-Pierre

Back to range, there is no doubt the Model 3 is the clear winner in its segment, and when compared with electric cars in general. No other EV reaches 500 kilometers at the moment, not the Chevrolet Bolt nor the upcoming Hyundai Kona EV. The Model 3 even outdoes its older Model S and Model X brothers in many versions.

There are issues with the car's infotainment system which is not as intuitive as it should be, but it is beautiful to look at.

The real issue with the Model 3 is that they are hard to get. You want one today? You'll wait. How long will you wait? No one knows. Then there's the price. Sure you get a lot of range and sure you get tons of performance, but the car is still very expensive.

Buyers on the fence about EVs may prefer putting their money Nissan LEAF gold Hyundai IONIQ They can not afford to buy their products with a Model 3 that can easily cost twice as much.

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