Best Queer Eye makeovers: Fab Five Transformation Stats | Television and radio


W While things in the United States are politically divided more than ever, there are at least five queer dudes trying to bridge the gap between rural people and the urban elites who sometimes despise them. It's as if the Fab Five of Netflix's Queer Eye recovery were trying to make Gay America new again. Until now, the technique works. Not only do they show the guys how to put ointment in their hair (from the back and work forward), the finer points of a French fold, or how to cut a lawyer, they also push to challenge their political convictions and change the course of their lives for the better. We have classified all the metamorphoses up here during the two seasons in descending order.

1. AJ (season 1, episode 4)

If this episode does not make you cry, you should take one of these dry eye medications. AJ is a guy (hunky) who did not go out to his family despite the fact that he has a boyfriend. Not only did the crew give him a new haircut and a new wardrobe, but he also changed his apartment from an unusable and schlubby mess to an adorable crashpad. But it's these five guys who show him that he can be masculine and openly gay, which makes this episode memorable. This and the astonishing scene where …

2. Tom (season 1, episode 1)

There is nothing more sad than a lonely guy who smokes at the door of his basement room while drinking whiskey and Mountain Dew. The Fab Five made his space fun, gave him new clothes and made his beard, but the real impact here was shaping his life. Not only did they expose them to homosexuals for the first time, but they gave him confidence in his appearance and he himself had lost it. The episode's coda is that he eventually finds the ex-wife who still had her heart.

3. Skyler (season two, episode five)

There was no worse apartment than that of Skyler, the trans man whose house was decorated with more rainbow flags and d & # 39; LGBT paraphernalia than all gift shops in Provincetown. The Fab Five made a number and looked back, although it seems that the improvements have not been made. But Skyler learning what it is to mix masculine and feminine energies to create an entire and unique person is a journey that is worth being watched over and over again.

  Three members of the Queer Eye team

On mission … the Queer Eye team. Photography: Netfilx

4. Tammy (season 2, episode 1)

The oldest of Gay, Georgia, Tammy is a woman who gives up what her heart can not give anymore. The guys did not do much except give her a new haircut and a pretty dress to wear to the church, but they helped repair the relationship between her and her gay son. Tammy talks about her struggles to reconcile her religion and her son is the kind of message that many parents need to hear.

5. Cory (Season One, Episode Three)

One thing you should never do to a cop in the South is to shave his mustache. How can we know that he has 5-0? He was a guy who lives for NASCAR racing and did not think much about his clothes or his decor. The Fab Five changed that, but the most memorable scene was the policeman's conversation with Karamo Brown, who is African-American, about Black Lives Matter. It was the kind of sincere and sincere discussion between an African-American and a member of the law enforcement community that needs to happen a lot more often if we want serious change.

6. Jeremy (season 1, episode 8)

Ah, yes, the episode of Hunky firefighters. Jeremy, the main subject, is a great and generous guy who wanted his post house to be remodeled for all his colleagues who risk their lives to ensure the safety of the community. Although the newcomers were not so remarkable, what Bobby Berk did to their sad office was. This episode has shown that a group of dudes – gay, straight, or other – can meet and learn from each other, whatever their misconceptions.

7. Neal (Season 1, Episode 2)

In the most shocking transformation of the series so far, this technical nerd has gone from looking like Mike Myers in The Love Guru to a handsome young professional. For this, he can thank Jonathan Van Ness's supreme skills as a barber. His story of growing up and accepting his responsibilities is common, but most of them do not come with a guy who ends up watching this fly.

8. Jason (Season Two, Episode Four)

This handyman started the episode as "Burner" who wants to relocate to Reno, Nevada, for a fresh start in life and ended a "Burner" who decided to stay in Atlanta woman whom he fell in love with. With a decent taste for furniture and clothes, all the guys had to teach him to show off his assets. Once he had that confidence, he was able to decide against a misguided move and find a relationship that was just hiding under his nose.

  Tom's beard meets Jonathan Van Ness in the first episode of season 1.

Tom's beard meets Jonathan Van Ness in the first episode of the first season. Photography: Netflix

9. Ari (season two, episode six)

It's the one with the guy who was a big fat liar. Was he employed or not? Has he graduated or is it not? Will he ever stop eating sunflower seeds and spit shells in a Frisbee? The man, we hope that he does it. Cleaned up a bit and finally held responsible for his actions, he regained confidence to stop lying to his family and to himself – at least for the moment.

10. Remy (Season 1, Episode 6)

I loved the retro 70's home of Remy's grandmother and I was sad that they demolished all her photo frescoes. The only thing I liked most was Remy's remodeled home after all of that furniture had disappeared. His own style transformation was not so dramatic, but updating this house was like breaking the fatberg – an almost insurmountable job that required all hands on the deck.

11. Ted (season two, episode eight)

The young mayor of a small progressive Georgia town is the face of #resist. Not really. He began to grow his beard the day Hillary Clinton lost the election and did not shave it. Having it get rid of that and wearing something other than ripped sneakers at a business in town was a major achievement.

12. Bobby (Season 1, Episode 5)

This is the guy who has crowded a group of kids into a tiny house and who works almost 20 hours a day to keep all those mouths fed. He is also very religious, which was a particular challenge for Bobby Berk, who was shunned by his evangelical family after his release. Their discussion of religion and its acceptance of people of all sexualities was the culmination of an otherwise memorable episode.

13. Leo (Season Two, Episode Three)

Sometimes all these guys need is a haircut, a shave, and to be told that 's right. they can not dress like a high school student. They usually have an obstacle to overcome, but that of Leo was one of the weakest of all: there are no friends who are fathers. Oh, hoo hoo.

14. William (season 2, episode 2)

This guy who works at Walmart loves his girlfriend as Mary Berry loves a well-cooked Victoria sponge. The pair had new furniture and walls for their trailer and he got new spiffy outfits, but there was not much to this one. Yes, he suggested at the end, but these two are so affectionate that we knew how she would react.

15. Joe (season 1, episode 7)

Remember how Joe was not funny during his stand-up? Really not funny. At least he finally left his childhood room to go home. Oh no, wait. He went down to the basement of his parents. Wow, it just gets darker and darker.

16. Sean (season two, episode seven)

They tried so hard to help this 18-year-old kid, schooled at home, to go to college, but there had been not much to do. While everyone was happy, he got rid of blazers with his name on his back, there was not much change this time around.

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