Best ROH results in the world: Dalton Castle vs. Vs Cody Marty Scurll, Young Bucks in action


Welcome to ROH's WrestlingINC Live Coverage Best in the World from Baltimore, Maryland! We will provide live coverage of this evening's live event starting at 9 pm ET. You can all share your thoughts throughout the show in the comments section below.

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The Kingdom (c) vs EVIL, BUSHI and SANADA (ROH World Team Championship of six players)

The TK O & # 39; Ryan and EVIL get us started in the match & Opening night. Taven with a low shot from behind, but EVIL retaliates with a shoulder tackle on O 'Ryan, Taven inserts and gets the side slammed. In SANADA comes, back bend, standing moonsault, some back-and-forth attacks. BUSHI against Marseglia who kicks his face and tries to remove the BUSHI mask, everyone in the ring now, for a moment, Taven tries to fly to the outside and ends up taunting Naito. Crowd of boos that move

SANADA with a dropkick down then a body slams O. Ryan on Taven. EVIL with a sentinel on, cover, two. The Kingdom releases its opponents while Marseglia will work on EVIL who is struggling to join its partners and finally does. SANADA arrives there and lands some big dropkicks. Taven tries a kick, SANADA catches him and binds Taven like a pretzel. O & # 39; Ryan tries to tie SANADA, nah, SANADA ends up doing it to him. Marseglia releases balloons while SANADA heads up … and falls, Kingdom almost ends the match, but EVIL and BUSHI break things. Taven with a penalty, cover, two. Taven's knee curls, SANADA the loose, the tags in Bushi that hit a dropkick missile and a spin-a-roni to get back on his feet. He dodges O & # 39; Ryan, and hits a double hurricanarana, blanket, two. The Kingdom will work on BUSHI with a burst of attacks, EVIL breaks the pin of Taven and everyone nails shots against each other. The bizarre ending with BUSHI trying to pull back the referee's spit, ends up misting Marseglia, but Taven and O. Ryan hit a powerbomb on BUSHI to finish the match.

Winners: The Kingdom by Pinfall to maintain the ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Titles

– Flip Gordon makes a behind-the-scenes promo on the fact that Bully Ray has failed of respect to him, his family and his country and that he is a "young boy" who will kick Bully's ass


Bully tries to … get him jumping on Gordon in the ring, but Gordon stops the turnbuckle to avoid him. Gordon with a superkick, throws, Bully on the floor and Gordon hits a shoulder strap on the top rope. Gordon returns to the ring and returns over the top rope to eliminate Bully. Gordon returned to the ring and slammed his forearm on the jump-board as Bully tried to escape. Gordon continues to swing on his opponent, has a fan hold Bully's arm as he strikes him again and again.

The two in the ring, Gordon with a flip samoan, moonsault of the second rope, blanket, two. Gordon loads and Bully just flatten him, the crowd drunk while Bully just looks at them. Bully goes to the second rope and goes for a vader bomb, but misses. Gordon looked for a stunned star and Bully kicked him between the legs to finish the DQ

Winner: Flip Gordon via DQ

– After the match, Bully catches a trash can and a chair, brings them in the ring and swings the chair on Gordon's leg. From the back is Eli Isom, but he falls instantly and Bully focuses his attention on Gordon. Cheeseburger enters and lands on a bunch of forearms, Bully kicks him and lands on a big powerbomb to end the fun. Bully gets a table under the ring. Todd Sinclair goes there to stop Bully, but he is repulsed. Colt Cabana finally decides to leave comments on a chair for Bully to stop. Bully returns the table to Cabana and escapes from the ring. Crowd with a "Colt Cabana!" sings as Bully heads back

– To comment, Cabana returns to call the next match with Ian Riccaboni, looking annoyed by what Bully Ray has just done. Cabana says that he does not understand because Bully is such a good wrestler and that other things are not necessary.

Sumie Sakai, Jenny Rose, Mayu Iwatani and Tenille Dashwood against Kelly Klein, Hazuki, Kagetsu and Hana Kimura

Sakai and Kagetsu start things with Kagetsu landing a number of attacks, kick , look for a fireman to wear, Sakai comes out. Kagetsu with a slap and Sakai returns the favor, Kagetsu tag Kimura who passes right in front of Sakai while she wants Dashwood in the ring. Kimura hits Dashwood and taunts her. Dashwood drops it, hurricanrana in a Russian side-leg sweep, cover, two. Rose is marked, German suplex with bridge, two-strokes. Kimura with a big dropkick and tags in Klein who walks away to Rose.

Rose is trying to roll-up, no, Klein with a clothesline, blanket, two. Hazuki and Iwatani now, Iwatani hits a blade and tags at Sakai. The referee is distracted while Sakai gets his head crushed by the other three wrestlers. Klein there now land a few knee strokes to Sakai, kick back, cover, two. Dashwood enters the room and drags the entire team down, tie on Klein over the ropes.

As Dashwood locks Klein in a submission in the ropes the camera Guy stumbles over a wrestler and crushes the ground (lol). Dashwood with a shoulder strap on Klein, cover, two. Dashwood tags in Iwatani, double missile dropkick, splash of frog on Kimura, but that breaks at the last moment. Iwatani strikes the strings, but Kagetsu strikes her in the back with a wooden plaque. Kimura looks for a brainbuster, but Iwatani against a body chisel, Kimura spills and drops Iwatani in a delayed vertical suplex, cover, two! The crowd thought it was there

Sinclair is distracted, Kagetsu hits Iwatani with the plate and c & Is just all the chaos now. Sakai takes the sky on the ground. In the ring, Iwatani and Kimura come and go, but Iwatani hits a dragon for the win. Little everywhere, but the game is solid.

Winners: Sumie Sakai, Jenny Rose, Mayu Iwatani, and Tenille Dashwood via Pinfall

Austin Aries vs. Kenny King

Crowd with an "Austin Aries!" sing before the match begins. Feeling the process of the two wrestlers as they find themselves in the ropes twice, each jostling in the chest. Even more jostling until Aries gets a big tear in his chest and sends King to the ground, but King is back, Aries is looking for a brainbuster, no, chop the back of Aries and King turns the Aries with a lasso.

The King drops Aries with a sweeping kick, taunts a bit and attacks from Aries from behind, but gets the scan kicked again. On the ground and he finally sweeps the Aries twice more for the delight of the crowd. Aries finally gets some control of this match with a number of attacks, goes to the second rope and hits a back elbow, cover, two. Aries puts King on the apron, elbow fall on the chest, cover, two. Aries showing some frustration.

King with a beautiful springboard blockbuster, cover, two. Elbow in the corner, T-bone suplex, King trying to finish that, Aries grazes his eyes, claps his ears, and goes to the last chancery, but King comes to the ropes. On the apron now, Aries with a tie on the ropes, sending the king to crash on the ground. Aries searched for a suicide dive and got a right kick at the head / shoulders area. Aries spits on King, which only annoys him and King tries to smash him on the apron, but ends up throwing him into the ring. "He is my friend!" King tells the crowd

King in the ring and Aries rolls him, kicks him. The King drops Aries, cover, Aries catches the rope and is just tightening the rope now that the King is trying to drive him away. Aries takes his titles and seems to be heading backwards, the crowd does not like that. The king with a crossbody to throw Aries, picks up the Impact World Championship and thinks to hit Aries with it. Aries finally dazzles King and hits a brainbuster on the floor! Crowd with a "You killed Kenny!" song. Back in the ring, Aries with a lariat of discussion, brainbuster, cover, 1-2-3

Winner: Austin Aries via Pinfall

– Behind the scenes, Jay Lethal says without the title ROH qu & # He lost. He went to ROH management and they told him that he had to chain a few wins before receiving another shot. Lethal says that he decided to go back and beat all the opponents who defeated him. In 2014, he defeated KUSHIDA, but in 2017, KUSHIDA beat Lethal, so it's the rubber match between the two wrestlers

Jay Lethal vs. KUSHIDA

Lethal in a handshake and KUSHIDA recoils, the crowd does not like this movement. The coming and going of the mat fight allows us to start. KUSHIDA sends Lethal on the ground does not hit one, not two, but three returns the top rope on Lethal. Back in the ring, KUSHIDA goes up and drops the handle of the double ax (with a mockery "Macho Man") on Lethal. Moonsault standing, blanket, Lethal starts at one. Commentary noting that KUSHIDA is playing more games in the spirit than usual in this match

Inverted reverse of suplex, the crowd giving him a "Woahhh!" whenever a guy tries it. KUSHIDA with a rope spring, but Lethal drops it and focuses on his opponent's knee. Kicks to the leg, breaker, and drops it on the top rope. Try a blanket, two, but just barely. He was all lethal here while he's looking for a four-figure, KUSHIDA against it, but ends up on the apron. Lethal with a springboard kick to send KUSHIDA to the floor, Lethal with a suicide diver, not once, but twice. He goes for a third and KUSHIDA is able to counter directly in an armbar.

Now, KUSHIDA gets to work on Lethal's arm, landing a bunch of kicks, performing dropkick. Lethal rolls up, two. Lethal combination hits on second try. Lethal climbs up, KUSHIDA loads him, Lethal jumps over. KUSHIDA with another handpring, but Lethal catches him in the torture support position! Dropping him, he looks for an elbow on the top rope, KUSHIDA goes straight into an arm crossed in the middle of the ring. KUSHIDA is able to slip into the ropes to break the stranglehold.

Both kick in wounded areas on the other (Lethal's arm and KUSHIDA's leg). KUSHIDA with a massive strike and a Lethal woozy shakes his hand! Lethal with a burst of Lethal blows injection directly into the hoverboard lock in the middle of the ring, trying to raise Lethal that against with a cutter. The lethal injection strikes this time, cover, 1-2-3. The best match of the evening up here, the crowd throws in some post-game streamers to celebrate that one. Handshake after match between the two wrestlers.

Winner: Jay Lethal via Pinfall

– Silas Young and Beer City Bruiser join the commentary as we see Page from Martinez's clips. Young is asked if he is disappointed that he is not defending the title of the show tonight. Young says he's been put in a difficult position, but he's a fight champion

Punishment Martinez (c) against Adam Page (Baltimore Street Fight for the ROH TV World Championship)

During the announcement of the match, Page and Martinez start to fight in the ring, Page with a suicide dive. Commentary noting Page has an open eye busted from a previous match and is currently assembled. Page unloads Martinez several times in the barricades. Page catches a chair and brings him into the ring, Martinez steps into the ring and Page throws him on it. Page stuck the chair in the corner and eventually stick Martinez.

Back on the floor, Page catches a table and presses against the corner of the ring. Page with a big boot, jumps to the apron and hits a shooting star, lands on his feet, Martinez with a powerbomb on the apron and a chokeslam on the barricade. Martinez takes a chair and brings it to the ring. He types Page and they are already back on the floor. Martinez sends Page in the barricade and then installs five chairs on the floor in a square pattern. He's looking for a chokeslam on them, no. Page sends the champion into the corner barricade, then hits a barricade superplex!

Back in the ring, Martinez turns backside with a lasso. He brings a chair and looks for a tombstone, page counters with a cradle empedriver, a blanket, two. Martinez pulls out a tie and locks Page's hands. Page tries to defend himself, but it's short-lived, Martinez places the page head in a chair, cover, two. Ian noting that Bullet Club could come out, but they all have games to come, so they're probably preparing for those title matches. Table in the ring, Page breaks the head of the tie on the floor and strikes a spear through a table on Martinez.

Page with a moonmount on the floor, but just barely the champion's clips. Page mocks the tarmac crowd and eventually gets kicked in the back on the structure of the chair that was on the floor. The cameras totally missed the place. The table is still installed in the ring, Martinez brings a bag of bugs and drops them on the carpet. Martinez is looking for a powerbomb, no, Drop of body page and Martinez feels these bugs. Page raises the champion and tries for his finisher. Martinez with a chokeslam across the table, cover, 1-2-3

Winner: Punishment Martinez via Pinfall to retain the World Championship ROH TV

The Briscoes (c) vs The Young Bucks (ROH World Tag Team Championship)

The crowd appears great for the Young Bucks during that they make their way to the ring and are very behind them as the bell rings. Nick and Mark throw us, Nick drops Jay, but he goes home and returns the favor. Jay and Matt start swinging one on the other. The young males are trying to drop stereo, no, and the two are paired with stereo superkicks that land this time. Pop-up double dropkick by Nick.

Combo Cutter / powerbomb by the Briscoes, cover, two. Matt is being stomped in the corner, Jay continues to pound him in the corner, running the clothesline, throwing the dropkick, cover, two. Matt gets worked by the champions. Matt slips on the floor, ends up superkicking Jay, but can not get through Mark. Jay catches him, Mark tries a baseball and hits his own partner. Matt with a blockbuster from the floor apron, Matt selling this endless back injury. Nick is tagged and nails a flip of rotation and lands on his feet! Nick with a burst of kicks on the floor and finishes with a bulldog / kick combo. Young males with stereo suicide dives.

Nick places Jay on the top rope, but Mark removes Nick and hangs in a naked rear choke. A large clothesline on Nick while Mark hits a blockbuster on Matt on the floor. Jay with a froggy elbow, cover, two. Nick with a super hurricanrana on Mark. Matt scored, several clotheslines on Mark, but Jay flew out and took Matt. Mark shouting "Young Bucks is not s —!" and then eat a Matt superkick. Briscoes with superkicks, bucks with superkicks. Jay with a piledriver, a blanket, Nick breaks him and is then kicked to the floor. Briscoes looking for the Doomsday device. Nick with a springboard cover, Matt tries a blanket, two.

Jay trying to fight the Bucks, double kicking, Nick with a moonstone on the apron on the floor. Springboard springboard by the Bucks, Jay gives the kickoff. Bucks thought they had that. No more shots for your lands, but Mark drops an elbow on the referee and the match does not stop. He gets a chair, but eats a double superkick. Meltzer driver, cover, no. The referee is always weird. Mark throws a chair at Nick's face, piledriver on the chair, Matt kicks at 2.9! The crowd thought it was over. Matt put the top rope cutter / powerbomb of the top rope on Nick, cover, and that will do it.

The winners: The Briscoes via Pinfall to retain the ROH World Team Championship

– After the match, the Briscoes beat the Bucks a bit more. SoCal Uncensored running with a chair in hand. At first they try to go after the Bucks, but Daniels then hits Jay with her and Mark is thrown out of the ring.

Dalton Castle (c) vs Cody (with Brandi Rhodes) vs Marty Scurll (ROH World Championship)

Before the match begins, Cody sends Bernard Business Bear to the back, the crowd boo it. Scurll and Cody argue a bit as they come out of Castle on the floor. NWA World Heavyweight Champion Nick Aldis is sitting by the ring to watch this game. He will face Cody at "All In" and Cody has to defend the ROH World Championship (against the title of Aldis) if he wins the title tonight. Castle is all you need for this game.

Scurll hits a tornado of DDT on Cody on the floor, obviously these two do not work together in this game. Cody and Scurll in the ring, Cody with a suplex exit, just throwing Scurll on the mat. Castle there now that he's trying to work on both challengers. Castle throws Scurll on the outside, Cody place Castle facing the carpet. Cody goes to the top rope, but is thrown by Castle, cover, two. Scurll sneaks in with a crossface chicken wing, but Cody locks in a four-figure on the castle.

Scurll tries for the crossface chicken win over Cody, but gets a DDT for his troubles, cover, two. The boys stoke Castle on the floor. Cody brings the title into the ring, Referee takes it and looks for a lowblow, but Scurll blocks him and hits Cody. He prepares Cody for his broken dreams. Brandi on the apron to attract the attention of the referee, Cody with a kick between the legs, cover, two.

Cody asks Scurll to kiss his ring, instead Scurll snaps his fingers and puts the ring. It looks like bursting Castle, bang-a-rang, blanket. Nick Aldis pulls the referee out of the ring though. One of the boys jumps and starts. Cody jumps from the top rope and cleans Aldis down. Scurll takes the title and hits Castle with, cover up, the referee is pulled by Brandi and throws everyone to ringside at the back! Several attempts to wind up, all are two counts of indictment.

Strike strikes of the three wrestlers and all three are down now. Cody goes out and catches powder, the umpire sees it and Scurll throws the powder into Cody's face. He looks good when he hits cross rhodes on Scurll. Cover by Castle and Scurll come out just before three o'clock. Castle with bang-a-row, no, roll-up, no. Scurll with a crossface chicken wing in the middle of the ring. Cody jumps in, Scurll with cross rhodes on Cody. Castle nails on Scurll and gets the victory.

Winner: Dalton Castle via Pinfall to retain the ROH World Championship

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