Beto O & # 39; Rourke tests "unquestionably" the waters of 2020


MONTGOMERY, Texas – Sin. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, thinks Rep. Beto O. Rourke, of D-Texas, is testing the odds of a potential bid for 2020 after recording a record fundraiser in the third quarter of 2018 and wooing donors in the first primary states in his offer to overthrow the Republican in office next month.

Cruz told the press, after an event north of Houston on Saturday, that O'Rourke was "definitely considering" a 2020 outlook after announcing a $ 38.1 million transfer last week. – a record that exceeds the previous record (Rep. Rick Lazio in 2000 against First Lady Hillary Clinton) of $ 15 million.

"When Beto O 'Rourke engaged in the left, like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, he sued the national Democratic activists of Iowa, New Hampshire – not El Paso. "said Cruz.

"Unquestionably," said Cruz after being pressed for his first claim regarding a primary state in 2020.

"When he amasses more money in a quarter than any democrat in the history of senatorial elections, the way to do it is multiplied by 100, if given the choice between option A), which will energize, excite and fascinate the left-wing donors or option B) the choice that will defend the people of Texas and reflect its values, it always chooses, always, always option A) " Cruz said. "That brings you a ton of money.

O 'Rourke asserted that he was not interested in an offer by 2020.

The Texas senator is engaged in a fierce battle with the Democratic Congressman, but has departed from OW Rourke in a recent poll, despite the financial advantage of his opponent. According to the latest Quinnipiac poll released this week, Cruz holds a 9-point advantage – 54 to 45 percent – over O 'Rourke.

In addition, Cruz enjoys an advantage in terms of favorability, 52% considering it favorably, against only 44% unfavorable. Forty-five percent see O & # 39; Rourke favorably, versus 47 percent unfavorably in the GOP.

Cruz also takes 37% of Hispanic Americans likely voters, while O & Rourke enjoys a 61% support.

Cruz himself raised $ 12 million in the last quarter.

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