Beto O 'Rourke refuses to respond to trump attacks with "bitterness", "name calling"


Representative Beto O'Rourke, the Democratic candidate for the Texas Senate, gave the opportunity to respond to President Donald Trump's personal attacks on him, saying he preferred "staying focused on the future".

Trump, who is leading a rally in Texas on Monday to help Republican candidate Ted Cruz's candidate re-elect, tweeted last week that "O Rourke was "A flake" and "a total weight."

But O'Rourke, whose campaign sparked the country's interest and support among Democrats, dismissed criticism from the president in an interview with ABC News broadcast Sunday.

"I do not know that it makes sense to react," O'Rourke said. "The kind of bitterness, denomination and partisanship that has unfortunately defined so much of the national conversation, you can add to it or stay focused on the future."

During the 2016 presidential race, Trump had repeatedly made fun of Cruz, one of his Republican opponents, under the name of 'Lyin' Ted '. O'Rourke resurrected the nickname decrying during a debate with Cruz last week.

"He's dishonest," O'Rourke said in the face-to-face. "That's why the president called him" Lyin "Ted" and that's why his nickname stayed – because it's true. "

But O'Rourke, who has focused on a positive campaign helped him raise a record $ 38 million in the last quarter, said he regretted the remark in a public discussion with CNN on Thursday.

"It 's not something I feel totally comfortable with, and maybe in the heat of the moment, I' ve gone one step too far," did he declare. "I do not know if that's how I want to talk in this campaign."

Even though O'Rourke saw his national profile grow, polls in the highly Republican Texas showed Cruz a head start in his race.

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