Beto O 'Rourke, Ted Cruz and Greg Abbott Turn to Ground Operations That Could Change Texas Politics | 2018 Elections


Beto O. Rourke's chances of overthrowing incumbent Republican Ted Cruz are based on a vast field operation designed to bring more progressive voters to the polls.

On the other hand, Senator Cruz has entrusted his ground game to Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who has launched at full speed a voter turnout machine that seeks to propel not only his candidacy, but the entire ticket of the GOP.

The success of the Senate candidates' field operations could determine the outcome of the most competitive ballot contest in Texas.

And there is an additional intrigue for Democrats. The land force of O 'Rourke is described as the largest voter mobilization effort ever made by a Texan Democrat, although Barack Obama's desire to win the Texas primaries in 2008 has been more intense, but over a shorter period. The result of his race with Cruz is a barometer of the progress made by the Democrats in trying to turn Texas into a battlefield state.

"This election will determine the course of Texas politics," said Rice University political scientist Mark Jones. "If Beto O 'Rourke gets a one-digit figure, it will mean that a charismatic Democratic candidate with an effective organization can be competitive in Texas elections, which would give Democrats great hope." Donors would invest to turn the state into blue. "

But Jones said that if O'Rourke lost double digits, the Texas Democrats would be under surveillance.

"That would mean that a charismatic candidate who would have raised more than $ 70 million still could not change the talk that Texas Democrats could not win elections all over the state." , did he declare.

Democrats and Republicans agree that the best way to seduce voters is to contact them personally, that is, to knock on their door, discuss and then motivate them to go to the polls. polls. Field activities also include phone calls and, in the case of O & Rourke, bulk texting. The "hitting and firing" process intensifies during early voting and election day.

"This is nothing short of amazing," said Rourke about his local effort. "I am just very proud of these volunteers, people who may have never been politically involved, who go out and invite people to the election of their lives."

O 'Rourke said his commitment to a field program was the most important aspect of his campaign.

"The TV ads are nice, what we post on Facebook is a way to introduce ourselves to people, but nothing beats someone who knocks on your door and takes the time to communicate with you, humanly human, by this very divided moment "O. Rourke said.

Abbott GOP operation

The Cruz campaign returned questions about voter mobilization to Dave Carney, the architect of Abbott's re-election campaign.

Abbott is running for reelection against former Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez. He has a big lead in polls and spends nearly $ 50 million.

"The governor will do very well," said Carney. "We hope to mobilize the voters and keep them on our side during the polls."

Cruz urged the Conservatives to vote at various rallies in North Texas.

"We are raised to 2-1 and it's dangerous," Cruz told Arlington recently, asking fans to contribute to his campaign. "Every penny we collect will be used to energize, mobilize and convince Conservative voters … If we refuse the Conservatives, we will win.If the Conservatives stay home, we will have real problems."

Building from the ground

When O 'Rourke started his race in the Senate, he developed a field organization that he could operate at a lower cost.

But while his candidacy was becoming notorious and he was raising more than $ 70 million, O'Rourke significantly expands what was originally planned.

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