Beto O 'Rourke will not share his $ 38 million with fellow Democrats


SAN ANTONIO – Rep. Beto O 'Rourke announced on Monday that he would not share any portion of his $ 38.1 million war chest, even though Democratic bosses want money for more competitive states.

After a campaign rally, Texas Democrat told the press that he would spare no expense for his own race and that he planned to leave all the money raised on the ground before the day of the race. ballot. He said that if the people who helped him want to do it for another campaign, they should do it. O & # Rourke raised $ 38.1 million, an exhilarating sum, from July to September.

"No," O'Rourke told a reporter when asked if he would commit to sharing funds with Democratic Senate candidates who are in a tighter run. "I'm focusing on Texas, most of our contributions come from Texas, all come from people, not a penny from PAC."

"People have contributed to this race because they want us to win this race.If they want to contribute to another campaign, they are of course invited to do so," said O & # Rourke . "No, we will not spare any expense, we will not bear any burden to make sure we deliver for that state and this country, which means a victory on November 6th."

The New York Times reported that some Democrats feared that Mr. O. Rourke would end his campaign in three weeks with funds in the bank that could otherwise help more endangered Democrats in states like Missouri, Florida and New York. Indiana, while he is increasingly lagging behind Senator Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.

"I have to respect the commitment made by those who contributed to this campaign and their desire that we use it to win this election," said O & # Rourke. "If they want to contribute to someone else, they should do it.So they want to contribute to a campaign that will win this historic victory for Texas and the country, so I I'm grateful for the contribution and I'm going to make the most of it, and that's what we're focusing on. "

The news comes one night before O 'Rourke is confronted with Cruz during his second debate in San Antonio. When asked, over the weekend, if O. Rourke was to pour one of his campaign's funds to Democratic candidates in the Senate, Cruz replied that it was his opponent to decide.

"It would seem that if the Democratic Party wants to adhere to the principles of socialism, it should take the money that the campaign was raised and give it to all campaigns that have not amassed money – and I will not let them go, "Cruz told reporters after an event outside of Houston on Saturday. "I will let the Democratic Party strategists worry about the strategy of their own party."

The fundraising event is the largest in the history of Senate racing, outperforming the former GOP representative Rick Lazio's $ 23 million raised during his 2000 Senate run in New York against Hillary Clinton.

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