Bette Midler compares women to "N-Word" on Twitter and apologizes


Bette Midler said that she had tweeted an insensitive message to the race, without thinking, because she was angry after the FBI had only "briefly" investigated the allegations of sexual assault being made. against Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh.

Friday, the 72-year-old icon criticized critics for tweeting, in part, "Women are the n-word of the world" "- a quote from Yoko Ono dating from 1972. (That year, Ono, 85 and her husband, the late John Lennon, made the same comparison in a song from their album Some time in New York.)

"The too brief investigation of the charges against Kavanaugh made me angry," Midler wrote in his apology. "Angry, I tweeted without thinking that the choice of my words would enrage black women who suffer doubly, both as women and by being black. I am an ally and I am with you. always have. And I'm sorry.

Thursday, the Hocus Pocus star wrote in the tweet deleted since: "Women are the keyword of the world." Violated, beaten, enslaved, married, worked like a dumb beast; deny education and inheritance; bear the pain and danger of childbirth and SILENCE for thousands of years. They are the most disrespectful creatures on the planet. "

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The tweet of Bette Midler

The tweet of Bette Midler

Bette Midler / Twitter

Immediately, critics said that they believed her comment "erased the struggles" of black women and the distinct systemic violence and oppression faced by people of color.

In another tweet deleted since, Midler wrote that she "never forgot" the statement of 1972 Ono, adding: "It's true then, and it sounds true today, whether you like it or not . It is not a question of race, it is the condition of the woman; THEIR STORY. "

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Responding to Midler, Twitter users said they thought the sentiment behind Ono's quote was problematic in the first place.

Brett Kavanaugh

Brett Kavanaugh


The FBI investigation on Kavanaugh, 53, ended Thursday, and senators spent the day reviewing his findings. Some Republicans were satisfied with the report, while critics pointed out that the investigation was far from complete.

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Democrats say the White House has placed many restrictions on people the FBI might question, and that the office would not have talked to several witnesses who could have corroborated the sexual abuse and other allegations made by Christine Blasey Ford , Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick. (Kavanaugh denied all the allegations.)

On Friday, the Senate voted 51 to 49 to advance Kavanaugh to the final confirmation vote, scheduled for Saturday.

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