"Better Call Saul" recap: Season 4 finale, episode 10 – "Winner"


Is it really "all good, man"? We are still not sure after You better call Saul'S season 4 finale.

Yes, Mike found AWL Superlab architect Werner and had to kill him himself, after cleverly avoiding to sue Lalo – and yes, we were able to see Gale again, which is always nice. But the main event of the final was Jimmy's desperate attempts to get his license back under the law, including Chuck's public mourning and funding for a new reading room dedicated to his late brother to Attract influential members of the board. Presenting his case to a panel, Jimmy delivered a tearful speech about honoring his brother and McGill's last name, and was reinstated. But he shocked Kim by revealing that all this emotion was no more than a hustler and that he now intended to practice law under a new name – reassuring a suspicious Kim saying, "That's it good, man! "

TVLine contacted executive producer Thomas Schnauz, who co-wrote the final with fellow EP, Peter Gould, for the latest news on the long-awaited transformation of Jimmy and Saul Goodman. Below, see what he says about Jimmy's relationship with Kim, why Jimmy collapsed in HHM's car park like this, Lalo's quick rise to Big Bad status and if we could see more at Gale next season.

TVLINE | We have reached the pivotal moment when Jimmy McGill becomes Saul Goodman. When you recorded this in the writers' room, was that still where you wanted to place it?
We have some ideas of what we would like to achieve at times, but as the season progresses, things change. Honestly, from season 1, we said to ourselves, "At the end of Season 1, it will be Saul Goodman."[[[[Laughs]Then the same thing probably happened in Season 2, and then we sort of dropped that idea by saying, "It's going to be Saul Goodman when it's time to be Saul Goodman." The place.

Certainly after Chuck's death, we thought it was a big turning point and that he needed even more time than we thought to become Saul Goodman because it had to be something else. occur. It is not only the death of his brother and his role in this death that turns him into Saul Goodman. It's the removal of that guilt, and so many other things that keep it from taking it to the end. And even if he says, "All right man," at the end of season 4, he's not the Saul Goodman we know in breaking Bad. There is still a way to go to get him to this point. But the worlds of Walter White, Gus Fring and Mike insinuate themselves into the world of Jimmy / Saul, so it will become darker. Things will certainly become darker.

Better Call Saul Season 4 Episode 10 Finale KimTVLINE | Jimmy regained his license, but did he lose Kim in the process? Can she still trust him, knowing how sincere he can be?
It's complicated because Kim and Jimmy organized scams in season 2, deceiving the guy in the bar. And she likes Jimmy. It becomes a question of: if the person you love lives something, do you abandon it or do you help? In my eyes, Kim is a repairer. She has a great job, but she still misses something. [public defender] work and help these people who have problems. And they are not all innocents! He is a person who wants to help people who can not really help himself, and we have certainly seen that Jimmy McGill was a person like that. So she will stay for the love of this man. What we will know is if Chuck McGill was right. He had received a warning to Kim in season 2. He told him in an episode, "He's going to drag you down." We have to see if that will happen.

TVLINE | This opening scene was perhaps the sweetest we've ever seen with Chuck or Jimmy. Was it a way to show that maybe Chuck was not always as bad as Jimmy remembers?
Yes, we wanted to find some sort of memory on which we could open ourselves. They were brothers and they liked each other, and Jimmy looked after Chuck for a long time. We said, "Let's show for a moment where Chuck cared about Jimmy." Of course, Chuck is duplicated in that he is the one who told Howard not to hire Jimmy.[[[[Laughs]But still, he defends his brother, because Jimmy asked him. Then Chuck tried to escape from the karaoke bar, but Jimmy caught him and sent him back. So yes, they had a good time here, and there is a little sweetness. A bit of alcohol greased the wheels and they had a good time together. It has not always been bad between them. We've seen scenes like this throughout the series, certainly in season 1. But we wanted to show a counterpoint to help influence this breakdown that Jimmy has in the garage. He tells Christi outside HHM, "The winner takes everything" and whether he consciously reflects or not at that moment, it is somewhere deep inside him.

TVLINE | How did you choose this ABBA song? Have you considered others?
I'm pretty sure it was Peter [Gould] who, very early on, when we started talking about singing, he was kind of attached to this song. I really can not tell you why, but when he talked about it, it sounded right to him, so we just stick to it. We were open to other songs, but nothing else has ever felt right.

TVLINE | And that song comes back when Jimmy talks to Christi. He tells her that they will never let anyone in like you, but you still have to go in and break all the rules if you have to. Is it something that he would like someone to have told him years ago?
I think that someone fact. We had a scene in Season 2, a flashback on when he was young and that someone gave him the speech "Wolves and Sheep", after his father was made to look like a sucker. And I think it probably poisoned him very early. This is not a good speech! This is not the kind of talk you want to tell a young lawyer in the making. It's dark. You want to somehow enter the world with more positivity, instead someone says to you, "They will always see you as a thief on display!" The screws![[[[Laughs]And I think if you ask Bob [Odenkirk]Different theories explain why the crying scene occurs in HHM's garage, but I think that, according to Bob, it is the fact that he has become the person who gives this kind of advice to people. That's what he is and at that moment, it's sad for him.

Better Call Saul Season 4 Episode 10 Mike FinaleTVLINE | I spoke with Jonathan Banks two weeks ago and he said that Mike's Achilles' heel was too soft and he cared too much about people like Werner. But he still managed to pull the trigger. It was hard for him?
I think it was really difficult. The end was in sight for Werner. Based on Gus Fring's identity, Werner was going to die. And that's largely Mike's fault. After Mike was mistaken for the first time, talking in the bar and drawing pictures of the Superlab, he should have been sent home. But Mike gave him a second chance. He treated this with a "half measure", according to what he said later in breaking Bad. He takes a hard lesson from all these things with the Germans and the Superlab.

TVLINE | Lalo Salamanca is preparing to become an opponent of great value. Can we expect to see him as a major antagonist next season?
We will certainly see it more often. It's a thorn in the skin of Gus Fring, and many secrets are hidden with Gus, Nacho and Mike. He is very intelligent and ruthless, and I think it's a good thing for us writers to make things interesting. I think we want to see more of Lalo.

TVLINE | We also had another appearance of Scabies! Can you find a way to bring back David Costabile in season 5 or is the Superlab still too far from completion?
This is a very busy person. We finished his stage in a weekend, I think. We shot a Saturday. But we love David. We like the character of Gale. This is something we are working on in season 5, how much we will see from this world. If I can wish anything for the moment, it's because the streams start to cross a little more, and we would see more crossings with Jimmy and Mike, and these worlds are getting closer, towards which we are moving. Jimmy and Nacho have not seen each other since Season 1 and we also want to mix these worlds.

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