"Better Call Saul" Season 4, Episode 9: Who the bell rings for


Of course The wheelchair bell of Hector Salamanca has a history of origin. Of course, this involves sadism and murder.

At the beginning of this episode, we learn from the ashes of a hotel that this skinny sociopath is burning after torturing and killing the man who owned the place and who had offended the Don ( Mark Margolis, whose role will now focus mainly on the nostrils and eyebrows). My condolences go to this cruelly despatched innkeeper, even though I feel so uncomfortable for the residents of Mr. Salamanca's retiree community, who will now live under the incessant and indignant call of their mute and snarling neighbor.

Does anyone else have a shiver of joy and fear when Hector rang for the first time this miller? If malice could speak, that's all we should say.

The bell is a gift from Lalo Salamanca, played by Tony Dalton, whose previous work included Off Broadway theater as well as Mexican soap operas. "Breaking Bad" students may recall that Lalo is briefly mentioned in this episode in episode 8 of season 2. This happens when Jesse and Walt lead Saul Goodman to an open ditch in the dessert , where they organize a runtime simulation. scare him to protect a friend who was caught by the cops.

"Lalo did not send you?" Saul shouted, kneeling, fearing the worst.

"Who?" Asks Jesse, really confused.

"Oh, thank you, God!" Saul cries.

We see Lalo for a long time in this episode and he looks mean and not as cunning as he believes himself. After going to Don Hector, whose instructions seem to sum up to "murder everyone," he goes to Los Pollos Hermanos to meet Gus Fring. Beginning at a restaurant stand, he and Fring are perfectly connected between a dazzled client and a delighted landlord – "Does everything suit you?" "Are you kidding?" – to two drug criminals who discuss business, in the back office of Fring.

Lalo's goal, at least superficially, is to separate Gus from the cartel and form a Salamanca-Fring partnership. The effort seems at best shy. The real problem, it seems, is to make sure Gus knows that Lalo is in town, which Gus already knew.

In the (mostly) legal aspect of this saga, Jimmy's reinstatement hearing before the bar is a disaster. He seems to have passed the test until he is bewildered at the very end by a question that should have been a child's play. Invited to have a significant influence on his career, he quotes the Law School of the University of American Samoa. ("Go earth crabs.") We must assume that the members of this group knew his deceased brother, Chuck, an eminence of the local legal community. And given the reason for Jimmy's strike – an assault on Chuck – a nod to his brother would have been appropriate.

Blind when it comes to all matters relating to Chuck, Jimmy misunderstands the cause of his flame when he tells the jury interview, furiously, to Kim. After the argument that followed between the couples, I had the impression that Jimmy was packing up to leave when he returned home. To my ears, the "everything" that he says to have messed up includes his relationship with Kim.

But Kim is not so easily put off. If anything, she seems eager to deploy her black belt scam skills to convince the bar that he has made a mistake. That Jimmy and her reach this goal is just one of the reasons for the season finale.

Also in the category to continue, there is Werner, who has lammed it from the dormitory warehouse, apparently to visit the woman he misses so much. To let Werner talk to him on the phone was perhaps the exact half-measure against which Mike will later warn in Breaking Bad.

I suppose the two-page handwritten letter that Werner left contains work instructions for the "dirty half-dozen". This act of consideration is not going to appease Mike. If these instructions are sufficiently detailed, Werner is surely a dead man.

What could save him at this point? His German colleagues, who may realize that their leader is in danger of death and threaten to sabotage their efforts. Or they may simply not work. It's a version of the leverage that Walt used to save his life and that of Jesse when Gus concluded that another chef could cook in his very expensive underground methamphetamine kitchen.

Final thoughts:

• Nacho poor. That's all I have on this subject. Poor, poor Nacho.

• It is both awesome and naughty that Kim and Jimmy use breast milk as their main concern to share plans in this planning office of the Lubbock, Texas government. Exploit the clerk's maternal instinct – naughty, naughty.

• Congratulations to the writers for the demolition falsification, a tense and prolonged scene in which Werner is sent alone to repair a malfunction of the fuse. (Ably directed by co-creator of the series, Vince Gilligan.) All television and film conventions indicate that Werner is about to die in an accidental explosion. But it's not just about subverting our expectations. The sequence highlights Werner's collapse, his sense of mental separation and only his wife can restore him.

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