Beyonce and JAY-Z Should Win Gold Medals for their Olympian Costumes


Beyonce and JAY-Z put some serious thought into their costume couples for Halloween.

On Wednesday, Olympians Florence Griffith Joyner and Tommie Smith. Both athletes are known for being trailblazers of the black sporting community.

Beyonce looks to the same as the 1988 Olympics Trials, in which she set the world record for the 100m, which still stands. She also holds the record for the 200m.

The 37-year-old singer made sure to get one's best outfit, posing in a one-legged pink Adidas unit, with Joyner's number, 371, stuck on the front.

Florence Griffith Joyner 1988

Florence Griffith Joyner runs down the track during the Olympic Trials on Jan. 1, 1988.

Getty Images Sports

As for JAY-Z, he also made sure to pay for his spot-on suit. The 48-year-old rapper posed with his wife while emulating Smith's legendary Black Power salute, a symbolic protest against racism in the U.S., during the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City. John Carlos athlete also saluted during the ceremony.

Tommie Smith John Carlos 1968

Getty Images

Beyonce has gone into this Halloween. Earlier this week, Toni Braxton, or rather Phoni Braxton. Needless to say, she nailed it.

Check out the epic costume:

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