Biden regrets not to denounce Trump earlier, while speculation continues during the 2020 campaign


Joe Biden continued to fuel speculation about a possible presidential election in a speech Saturday night at the national dinner of the human rights campaign in Washington, where the former vice president regretted not denouncing the President Trump's policy.

"Barack and I agreed to stay silent to let this administration go to work," Biden said of himself and the former president. "God forgive me, but I could not remain silent after Charlottesville."

Biden then attacked Trump's response to a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, which sparked violent clashes between white nationalists and counter-protesters and caused a death after driving a car into the crowd.

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"We are fighting for the soul of America and we have leaders who, at that time, compared and said there were good people in both groups," said Biden. "What have we become? Our silence is complicity.

Last year, Trump was criticized by both sides for the comments he made following the Charlottesville incident at a press conference at Trump Tower.

"I think there are reproaches on both sides," said the president during a fierce exchange with reporters at Trump Tower in Manhattan. "You had a group on one side that was bad. You had a group on the other side who was also very violent. Nobody wants to say that. I will say it right away.

Addressing an audience of HRC members, one of LGBTQ's largest advocacy groups, Biden likened Trump to a bully and added that the "forces of intolerance" had an "ally." to the White House".

"These forces of intolerance remain determined to undermine and roll back progress," said Biden. "This time, not you, you have an ally to the White House, the president uses the White House as a literal pulpit."

Biden recently took a much tougher stance against Trump and the policies of his administration, fueling speculation that the former vice president is considering a third run at the White House.

Mr Biden, who had already run for president in 1988 and 2008, has been criss-crossing the country since Labor Day – apparently to move the main states ahead of the November elections, but many experts speculate that it is only a matter of time. Is interested in a potential 2020 run.

"There is not one who needs to run to cement his place in history.This is not someone who needs to contribute to the public discourse and to the Democratic Party, "said Anita Dunn, former adviser to President Barack Obama. , told the Chicago Tribune. "But it's someone who, in the end, has the heavy responsibility of listening to those who push him to show up."

Next month, Biden will travel to California and Nevada to raise money and hold public events for Democratic congressional candidates, most likely including a stop with Senate candidate Jacky Rosen in the state of Silver.

The former vice president said that after the mid-term elections, he will have an "alt appeal" to assess the public interest and consult with his family before making the final decision whether to present himself or not before January.

If Biden decided to run in 2020, he could employ a broad network of supporters, donors and aides who cover decades of service in the Senate and the White House. He would also, at least now, have an advantage in polls against Trump.

A Politico / Morning Consult survey released last month revealed that in a face-to-face encounter, Biden leads Trump by 12 points. A Harvard CAPS / Harris poll in June also placed Biden at the top of what should be an overcrowded democratic field. and 16% for Bernie Sanders.

In July, Trump boasted that it would be "a dream" for Biden to run against him and that Biden was unable to win the White House.

"I dream, I dream of Biden. It's a dream, "said Trump in a CBS Evening News interview.

Trump said Biden "could never do anything," adding that "President Obama has brought him out of the trash … he named him vice president and he was fine" .

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