Big Brother's competitors hire for the season finale


There are wedding bells in Big BrotherHis future!

Season 20 of the CBS show ended romantically when two candidates, Chris "Swaggy C" Williams, 23, and Bayleigh Dayton, 25, got engaged.

In the finale, host Julie Chen drew attention to the couple, asking Dayton, "You spent 23 days together 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and you were separated for 76 days. Bayleigh, what's it like to see Swaggy after so much time apart?

"He's gorgeous," replied Dayton, wearing a bright pink dress and a bold assorted lipstick.

In a bright red suit jacket and black pants, Williams gave his own update. "I'm still very much in love with Bayleigh 100%," he said. There are a lot of things happening in the real world that you do not know. I went to your parents' wedding anniversary. I spent a lot of time with them. I played golf with your dad every weekend.

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Williams continued, "There are many things I want to tell you. I prefer to tell you standing than to cross the stage.

He got up from his chair and headed for Dayton. "Remember that day 10, I did exactly the same thing and you shouted me because you said," You are not a man. Take charge. If you want something, be a man and stand up. "Do you remember?" He began. "Then I asked you to be my girlfriend. You said yes. Sitting at home and seeing you tell millions of people around the world how much you love me and want to be with me, it made me realize that this girlfriend was not enough, honestly.

"Shut up," said Dayton, incredulously, as Williams knelt down and pulled out a ring. Their competitors applauded.

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Williams said, "In front of millions of people around the world, I do not really care about the girls in the world. I want you and only you. And I do not really know what my future holds, but I know I want you.

She exclaimed, "Yeah!" Even before asking the question – and answered: "Yes, yes, yes!"

The happy duo 's kissed as Chen told: "Agreement, it is official. We have a commitment.

The bride and groom spoke to Entertainment tonight after the proposal.

Dayton said his surprise was through the roof. "On a scale of one to ten, maybe a 25. I was completely blind. How's it going? "Explained she. "I never thought it would even be the next, and you can not make assumptions like that."

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Williams added that he had decided to move to plan four or five days ago: "I had the ring two weeks ago. But I thought, "I'll do it later. Christmas. As the evening drew nearer, her mother began to dream, and then I started dreaming. I was like, "You know what? I'm just going to make the final. "

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