Bill Cosby Sentencing: The psychologist says the threat to women remains


Mr. Cosby's team said his expert witness could not testify until Tuesday, so Judge O'Neill agreed to wait until then to make a decision on the predatory determination and M's sentence. Cosby. If the judge agreed with the psychological assessment of the board, Mr. Cosby would be required to receive routine counseling for the rest of his life and even if he was not sentenced to imprisonment, he would be required to report to the police every month.

Mr. Cosby's legal team opposed the entire discussion by arguing that the legality of the process of determining state predators is debatable because, among other things, it does not use the formula of doubt

"The status is unconstitutional," Green said, but the judge concluded otherwise.

Mr. Cosby was sentenced to a maximum term of imprisonment of 30 years and 10 years for each of the three counts of aggravated indecent assault for which he was found guilty.

But Judge O'Neill chose Monday to merge the charges, as allowed by the same protest. In that case, they appeared at a meeting in January 2004 when, Ms. Constand said, Mr. Cosby sexually assaulted her after giving her pills that caused her to drift.

In their remarks, prosecutors asked Justice O'Neill to sentence Cosby to five to ten years. "By discouraging this type of conduct with an appropriate sentence, you will say that you can not get away with it anymore," prosecutor Kevin R. Steele told the court.

Indeed, at a time when the country is experiencing a culture of predatory sexual abuse committed by powerful men, the conviction of Mr. Cosby has been closely monitored, because it is the first major conviction of the time # metoo. For many of Cosby's accusers, the jury's verdict seemed a turning point, reflecting the increased credibility of the accounts of the accusing women. But the problem is far from settled, as evidenced by the debate over how women evoke allegations of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh.

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