Bill Cosby Sketch of Kenan Thompson on "SNL" had Twitter split


Saturday Night Live has never been a stranger to controversial topics, but a sketch during the October 13 episode of this season has divided the audience by presenting a playful impression of a convicted felon. The print of Kenan Thompson on Bill Cosby on SNL some viewers uncomfortable, while some long-time SNL the fans on Twitter were happy to see what could have been the last performance on any of the SNL most famous impressions of the legend.

Thompson has a long history of representing Cosby, since Cosby's description by performing a screen test for Back to the future, an appearance on "Celebrity Jeopardy" and many skits in between. Even before his career of more than ten years on SNLThompson worked with Cosby directly on the 2004 film Fat Albert. In addition to the brief appearance of Thompson as Cosby during the SNL The 40th anniversary edition of "Celebrity Jeopardy", Thompson had not starred in a Cosby skit following allegations of sexual assault that had been brought against him – until October 13, 2014.

The sketch in question began with SNL Seth Meyers alum, the host of the evening, plays a man who has just entered a prison to begin his sentence, only for a dark figure that warns him of the difficulties of a lifetime behind bars. The gruff and serious voice of the character disappears when we discover that the character is Bill Cosby, who is in jail for sexual assault – real life detail that drawing has left out.

Although Thompson's portrait of Cosby is a caricature exaggeration of Cosby's character from The Cosby Show – Cliff Huxtable – The character of Meyers has repeatedly tried to make him understand that he was in prison for serious alleged crimes and that his problems were far more important with regard to where to hide his contraband or the amount of Jell-O provided. This portrayal of Cosby as an old man with a light, boiling heart has generated controversy among the audience of the series on Twitter.

People were angry everywhere

While some viewers did not appreciate SNL enlighten a man who is serving up to ten years in prison for sexual assault, by CNN, the other viewers really appreciated Thompson printing and references, including the aforesaid Jell-O pudding at The children say the darkest things. The Cosby seen in the SNL Sketch is someone who is optimistic about his future in prison, but also who is deeply disconnected from reality to the point of believing that the turtle that is in his prison cell is actually Quincy Jones.

Although the SNL The actors seemed to have a lot of fun making fun of Bill Cosby. Meyers – through her character – often took advantage of opportunities to give context to what Cosby was accused of and expressed her anger at the harm that Cosby has caused to many people. he's ever considered "just dying".

While the opinions on Cosby's skit were shared, it was clear that no one in the series was on Cosby's side himself. This sketch was perhaps the last time Kenan interpreted his impression of Cosby – it seems appropriate to remove the impression of a man imprisoned for a heinous crime – and the fans of the actor are clearly happy that he brought his impression to the SNL step one last time.

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