Bill Cosby sued $ 282,000 unpaid bills after his imprisonment


As if the disgraced comedian Bill Cosby did not have enough problems.

A Philadelphia-based law firm is suing Cosby for failing to pay more than $ 282,000 in legal fees related to the artist's representation in civil and criminal cases related to allegations of aggression dating back several decades.

According to the Legal Intelligencer, Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis filed a lawsuit in a state court in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, against artist now imprisoned September 21 demanding the payment of their bills with late fees, interest and costs.

Cosby hired the company in March 2016, months after criminal charges were brought against him for drugging and sexually assaulting former Temple University employee Andrea Constand. He was represented by Sam Silver, partner at Schnader Harrison.

Cosby, 81, has paid for the work that Schnader Harrison has done until the end of June 2017, but he still owes the firm money from August 2017 to July 25 of this year. Silver continued to represent Cosby prior to the April 2018 criminal trial despite outstanding balances. He also represented Cosby in a lawsuit for breach of contract brought by Cosby against Constand, which the artist gave up.

"The spokesman for Cosby and other employees have made several promises to Schnader Harrison since the payments were made, the complaint said, but they have never been paid," said Legal Intelligencer. . "On August 30, the complaint states that Silver informed Cosby's new lawyers by email that the firm would file a lawsuit on September 4 if it was not paid at the time."

Cosby's first lawsuit ended with a jury stuck last year, but he was convicted of sexual assault in April. He was sentenced earlier this week to three to ten years in prison and is currently in a single cell in a new $ 400 million prison on the outskirts of Philadelphia.

The spokesmen for Cosby and Schnader Harrison could not be immediately contacted for comment. Lawyer Peter Goldberger, who currently represents Cosby, declined to comment.

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