Bill de Blasio wanted to fight with Rudy Giuliani for homelessness


Mayor Bill de Blasio followed the advice of a councilor to "fight" with Rudy Giuliani after the former mayor had blamed Blasio for the homelessness crisis in New York City. .

On September 6, 2015, Patrick Gaspard, a long-time mayor and ambassador to South Africa at the time, wrote to De Blasio and the best Deputy Mayor, Emma Wolfe, asking how they would "meet Rudy" ?

"I think this presents a real opportunity," suggested Gaspard. "It's the guy we want to fight with."

After Blasio replied, "What do you advise PG? How would you do it? Wolfe said. She wrote "a rendez-vous at the parade, which leads to a weekly cover", in reference to the festivities of the Antillo-American day.

The mayor then asked "what kind of departure will work?" And asked his assistants to propose an "anti-RG message" to be able to "infiltrate" before the parade.

Gaspard weighed later, saying, "This one is too easy. This creep speaks of a policy that failed under him and even worse, he made a morality game.

He added in another email: "He should be ridiculed. I laugh before addressing the substance in a darker tone. "

De Blasio finally used the parade to portray Giuliani to the media as "delusional" for blaming Hizzoner's "progressive vision" of street homelessness for the homelessness crisis.

A few days later, on the 9/11 of that year, Giuliani again criticized Blasio for distorting the homelessness crisis in the city in a morning interview on Fox 5.

A few hours later, Hizzoner could not restrain his anger. He was surprised by a revealing photo that gave Giuliani a piercing look as they both attended the solemn ceremony of September 11th at Ground Zero.

The emails were the latest batch of communications between the mayor and his outside advisers, the "City Agents," which City Hall issued in response to a lawsuit filed by The Post and NY1.

More than a year and a half earlier, Blasio's e-mails sought to thank Giuliani for defending him in a newspaper article.

Shortly after taking office in 2014, De Blasio contacted the cops about the arrest of a bishop from Brooklyn, who was a key political supporter. Giuliani told a reporter that he could have done the same thing and given De Blasio a break since he was new to the job.

"I did not think I was going to write that sentence, but Lindsay: please call Rudy Giuliani so I can thank him," Blasio wrote in a February 12, 2014 message to a colleague.

The senior support team Emma Wolfe apparently killed the call. "… seems to me to prolong a story if Rudy decides to tell the world the call he's made to him. Maybe too paranoid.

The review of Blasio's schedule shows no trace of a call to Giulani in 2014.

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