Bill Maher attacks Lindsey Graham for defending Kavanaugh, according to Senator John McCain


HBO's Bill Maher on Friday criticized Senator Lindsey Graham for defending Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh, saying the South Carolina Republican lacked the "stabilizing influence of his dead boyfriend."

Maher, host of "Real Time with Maher Bill," fired several times at Graham – for example, saying in his opening monologue that the senator was "familiar" with the "back door".

"The fact that Trump can either find people like him or do it … Lindsey Graham needs the stabilizing influence of his dead boyfriend," Maher said later, referring to McCain, who died Aug. 25 at the age of 81 years old.

Maher then criticized Graham's keen support for Kavanaugh as a "performance" and may be looking for a position with Trump.

Graham was singled out at Thursday's hearings of Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who charged the sexual assault judge over 36 years ago. He may have delivered one of Kavanaugh's most passionate speeches defending Kavanaugh, accusing Democrats of trying to destroy the Supreme Court candidate with "the most opposite sham at the same time." ethical since I'm in politics. "

"What you want to do is destroy the life of this guy, keep this seat open and hope you win in 2020," said Graham to the Senate. "Boy, you all want power and I hope you do not get it."

Maher also accused Kavanaugh of having "acted" during the hearing, along with one of his guests, CNN commentator April Ryan, claiming that Kavanaugh only spoke to please President Trump.

"It was repeated. He talked about the press, he talked about the Clintons, "Ryan said. "It was too repeated. He was so pompous.

Maher went on to say that Kavanaugh had lied that his 10-year-old daughter had prayed for his accuser.

"That's what the actors do!" Said Maher speaking of Kavanaugh who barely held back tears during his opening statement to the committee. "They make up!"

Lukas Mikelionis is a reporter for Follow him on Twitter @LukasMikelionis.

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