Bill Maher is in hot water after making comments that many describe as disrespectful to the creator of the late Marvel Comics, Stan Lee.

In A blog on his website Saturday, the late-night presenter wrote: "America is in mourning, deep and deep mourning for a man who has inspired millions of people, I do not know, watching a movie , I suppose."

Lee, a cultural icon responsible for most of Marvel's most popular superheroes in comics and movies, died Monday at the age of 95.

Maher went on to assert that he had "nothing against comics", but that, when he was young, "comics were for kids and that when you grew up, you have gone to books for big boys without pictures ".

"But twenty or so years ago, something happened – adults decided not to give up on children's stuff," he said. "And so they claimed that the comics were actually sophisticated literature."

Then, the late-night host introduced the politics into the mix, mentioning President Donald Trump.

"I do not think it's an exaggeration to suggest that Donald Trump could only be elected in a country that considers comics to be important," he wrote.

Lee's fans are now turning to social media to criticize Maher and share his comments:

Comic artist Greg Capullo tweeted, "I never talk about topics I do not know or little about, why I never want to be a fool, in other words, I do not want to make Bill Maher by myself."

"Bill Maher has just made a fall on the legend of comics, the universally loved man: Stan Lee who has just died and, by extension, the entire community of readers and each person who loved the cartoon grow up" , wrote another Twitter user. "In addition to being a helpless Berniebro, Bill Maher is really a trash."

"Trashy's useless and bitter Bill Maher's blog is no shock – he earns his living by criticizing and destroying the work of others." He is a "comic" on which people make fun and are disappointed. Agreement with them and who want to be intelligent. Progressive, "wrote another, adding #RIPStanLee.

"I do not know and I do not really care who Bill Maher is, I just know that whoever pisses people for crying a man who helped make them happy is a huge waste of space" , said another.

"I just read Bill Maher's latest blog," added another tweet with a photo illustrating their frustration.

"Bill Maher was sure he did not mind presenting this check in Iron Man 3 tho," said another.

USA TODAY solicited comments from the Maher representative.

More: Comic authors reflect on Stan Lee's vision of race

More: Private funeral held for Marvel Comics magnate Stan Lee, but several memorial plans in preparation

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