Bill Maher ignores Stan Lee Backlash, but Marvel fans do not let him forget


Bill Maher was the subject of controversy earlier this week for his comments on Stan Lee, and it looks like it's not far from the eyes of Marvel fans.

Late Saturday night, the talk show host went to Twitter to tweet about President Trump's response to the California wildfires, marking his first public comments after the controversy over Lee.

All the scapegoat left from an article on Maher's blog, where he questioned the passionate reaction to Lee's death earlier in the week, and essentially argued that comics do not have the same effect. were not as culturally important as everyone claims.

"Twenty or so years ago, something happened – adults decided that they should not give up on children's stuff," sneered Maher. "And so they claimed that comics were actually sophisticated literature, and because there are more than 4,500 colleges in America, we need more teachers than smart people – some idiots have become professors by writing theses with titles like Otherness and heterodoxy at Silver Surfer. "

Maher's initial reactions have not failed to react, which has only intensified now that he's basically pulled out of the controversy on Twitter. Here is a summary of some of these answers.

Drag 1 of 8Not happy

Drag 2 of 8A request

Drag 3 of 8A valid question

Drag 7 of 8Is not it ironic?

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