Bill Maher: Liberals Must Stop Chasing Conservatives Out Of Restaurants | Video


In his editorial New Rule, Bill Maher called on liberals to stop chasing conservatives out of restaurants and focus on chasing them out of office. On Friday’s edition of Real Time, the HBO host called on liberal brethren to stop harassing conservatives at restaurants.

“Conservatives get to run America and we get to ruin their dinner,” Maher mocked.

Maher also ranted on how Trump is correct when he complains that the “system is rigged,” that it is rigged in favor of Republicans, telling him that “you’re president” as an example.

“Trump likes to say, ‘the system’s rigged.’ Yeah, it’s rigged, you’re president,” Maher said. “He leaves out the part that it’s rigged for them. The electoral college helps Republicans. The fact that every state gets two Senators helps Republicans. [Senator] Mike Enzi of Wyoming represents 287,000 people; [Senator] Kamala Harris represents 20 million. Why is Wyoming even a state?”

“The constitution is not on our side,” Maher complained. “Bush the Second and Trump both lost the popular vote. They shouldn’t be picking Supreme Court justices at all. Had the Democrats who actually won the popular vote been in the Oval Office we’d now have a 7-to-2 liberal majority on the Court.”

BILL MAHER, HBO HOST: Liberals must stop chasing conservatives out of restaurants. They have done it to Sarah Huckabee Sanders. They’ve done it to Kirstjen Nielsen. They’ve done it to Stephen Miller. And, last Monday, it happened again when Ted Cruz and his wife went out to dinner and were bombarded by a chant of, ‘We believe survivors.’ So I’m guessing the restaurant was Chipotle.

But this is the new deal. Conservatives get to run America and we get to ruin their dinner. And listen, I get it. Nobody wants to see Ted Cruz when they’re eating… But we need to get people like Ted Cruz out of power, not out of restaurants. This is something Republicans understand way better than Democrats that real power isn’t about making a scene or what makes you feel good. And power? It’s a lot like owning rabbits. The more you have the easier it is to get a lot more. Power begets power.

Texas has very similar demographics to California but one reason they’re red and we’re blue is we want every citizen to be able to vote and they don’t. A federal court has ruled 7 times that Texas Republicans drew their Congressional districts with, ‘racial discriminatory intent.’

But our federal court won’t have the final say on this; that’s the Supreme Court. They will. Which is why Republicans so desperately want to get Schlitz Kavanaugh confirmed. Even though he doesn’t have the temperament to be a judge on American Idol because, like the rabbits, the more Justices Republicans get to pick, the more those judges protect unlimited campaign spending, and voter suppression laws, which helps get more Republicans elected. Power begets power.

Trump likes to say, ‘the system’s rigged.’ Yeah, it’s rigged, you’re president. He leaves out the part that it’s rigged for them. The electoral college helps Republicans. The fact that every state gets two Senators helps Republicans. [Senator] Mike Enzi of Wyoming represents 287,000 people; [Senator] Kamala Harris represents 20 million. Why is Wyoming even a state? …

We all failed to notice that as more Americans move to coastal cities in pursuit of high-paying jobs as Uber drivers, rural red states became over-represented. Which is why every election year we have to hear what’s on the mind of everyone in a diner in Iowa. Meanwhile, nobody ever talks to the loser at the Coffee Bean in West Hollywood. Does America’s vast army of unemployed screenwriters not count?

The constitution is not on our side. Bush the Second and Trump both lost the popular vote. They shouldn’t be picking Supreme Court justices at all. Had the Democrats who actually won the popular vote been in the Oval Office we’d now have a 7-to-2 liberal majority on the Court. Instead, as usual, we all have to pin our hopes this week on Senator Susan Collins of Maine — population: Stephen King, two lobsters, and a bear.

When the deck is this stacked against you and the other party cheats, Democrats have no margin for error or bullshit. You know who you are. Or complacency. Republicans in Texas were able to draw those districts with radically discriminatory intent because they won the State House! Democrats lost 1,000 state legislature seats in the last 10 years. Can’t do it. We just can’t do it like that. We need to win elections so we can protect voting rights so we can win elections.

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