Bill Maher reacts to outrage over Stan Lee's comments


HBO late-night host and comedian Bill Maher clarified his previous statement about Stan Lee following the death of the comic book legend.

During an interview on Larry King nowMaher said that he had just heard talk of the turmoil caused by his statement, noting that he "is not following all the silly things people are losing their money" on social networks.

Maher went on to explain that his remarks were not meant to be a personal attack on Lee, but that they were then criticized as a critique of the artistic medium that Lee had helped to revolutionize and the culture that brought him to life. # 39; welcomes.

"But talk about making me understand: yes, I do not know much about Stan Lee and it's definitely not a hit for Stan Lee Yeah, okay I'm agnostic to Stan Lee , "says Maher. "I do not read comics, I did not even read them when I was a kid.What I said, it's a culture that thinks that comics and their movies are deep meditations on the human condition is an idiot * * The culture of the king And that people get angry about it just proves my point. "

Maher's initial remarks seemed to ignore Lee's legacy and condescending to adults who still love the comic format.

"The guy who created Spider-Man and Hulk is dead and America is in mourning." Deep and deep mourning for a man who has inspired millions of people, I do not know, watching a movie, I guess ", wrote Maher in a blog post on the website for his show, Real time. "Now, I have nothing against comic books – I read them from time to time when I was a kid and I was no longer a Hardy Boys." But the assumption that everything the world had at the time, both adults and children, was that comics kids, and when you grew up, you went to the big boys' books without the pictures. "

Lee's team at POW! Entertainment responded to Maher with a personal statement:

Mr. Maher: Comics books, like any literature, are storytelling tools, and when they are well written by great creators like Stan Lee, they make us feel, make us think, and teach us things. lessons that hopefully make us better in human beings A lesson, Stan Many of us have learned tolerance and respect and thanks to this message, we are grateful to be able to say that you have the right to express your opinion that comics are childish and unsophisticated.Many said the same thing about Dickens, Steinbeck, Melville and even Shakespeare.

But to say that Stan simply inspired people to "watch a movie" is, in our opinion, really disgusting. Countless people can testify to the way Stan has made them read, taught them that the world is not made up of absolutes, that heroes can have flaws and that even the bad guys can show up. # 39; humanity in their souls. He gave us the X-Men heroes, Black Panther, Spider-Man and many other heroes and stories that offered hope to those who felt different and intimidated while inspiring their creativity and dreams of great things to come up. "

What do you think of Maher's last statement? Let us know in the comments!

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